Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Suffering

No, not the Coheed & Cambria song, which is really good, btw. I'm referring to the suffering that everyone must go through. People must suffer...it's part of life and life is also about how you deal with suffering. You can deal, I think, in two different ways: medicate (cover up your suffering any number of ways, not just medication) or by opening up your self to the pain and share it with others so they can help you through it. I think people think the goal in life is to be happy. I think that's part of it but not the essential part. We worry about finances, our hair, our makeup, who's Cameron Diaz going to be with now that she and Justin are broken up. These are superficial things that the world wants us to pay attention to and not the things that are really important, like our souls. In the end, does it matter what we looked like when we died or what people said about our character. I'm not saying it's wrong to wear makeup and try and look our best. I actually think it's important to take care of ourselves and look our best but not to the extreme that society pressures us into...I don't know if it's the same for guys as it is for girls, so I'm just writing from the female perspective here.

So back to the soul? How's yours? Are you suffering so deep but still wear a smile on your face? Why do we think we have to hide our pain? We should share it but that is a very uncomfortable thing to do. But talking about it can relieve so much of the burden, it's really unbelievable. But then you have to deal with your pain. Are you going to let it drown you or are you going to let it shape you to be a better person? It's really up to you and if you have a higher power, aka your faith, God, you have that strength to draw on. Don't be afraid to have a little help from your friends...that's what we're here for.

You may be wondering to yourself...why is she being so introspective? Well, this week is revival at our church...I'm not into the big revival thing, but at the last minute I decided to go last night. I'm glad I did, it just reinforced what I have learned, sorta jump started me a little about communication and hurting. And just because I wrote about relying on your friends and being able to communicate pain/suffering to them doesn't mean I'm the best at it. Far from it...I'm not very good at it...at all...but at least I know it and want to do better...but I don't get credit for knowing and wanting, I actually have to practice it. I probably won't do it on my blog, but rather in person or over the phone...so GET READY!!! LOL...no just kidding, but don't be surprised if I do.


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