Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Christmas blues and the beginning...

...of a new year, of course. I mention the Christmas blues because the anticipation of the day and then the day is HERE and then the day after is very anti-climatic. Except when you have family spread out and you just go house to house and the giving and receiving keeps on going! YAY! Anyway, as usual Christmas was disjointed and dramatic (always is when you have dysfunctional families). No more than usual. Even better, in some ways.

Christmas started with the packing of the suitcase(s). It was a little different this year since I was flying home from DFW because I met my Mom who had surgery the Wednesday before I met her and was flying back from New Orleans so I flew the rest of the way home with her and helped her out around the house for a few days. (Longest sentence ever!) SO I had to whip out the largest suitcase for presents and the essentials but still didn't have enough room for my shirts/sweaters so I packed those as a carry-on for the plane. Oh yeah. Our flight was delayed for about 2.5 hours. But when we finally arrived home, the brother and Jason were there waiting for us. That was nice.

Watched a lot of TV, took part in the the Bond-a-thon that is always on, cooked my first turkey (turned out pretty good, if you ask me), ate lunch with Dad and actually had Christmas with everybody on Christmas eve. Jason stayed as long as he could and participated in the "cornucopia of greed" (reference to the ever famous "A Christmas Story"). He gave me a BEAUTIFUL ring with three rubies in the shape of hearts, the middle ruby being a little bigger than the other two. *sigh* Thanks, sweetie! He then left for OK to be with his family.a Patrick acquired a beautiful Siberian Husky whom he calls Beowulf. Apt name. Smart dog. He keeps finding new ways to get out of the back yard, including jumping through the screened in back porch. Eeeeppp!!!

After Christmas in AR, I flew back to DFW and drove up to Comanche, OK. But first I had some car problems, like it being totally dead. I vaguely remember turning on the overhead light to look for something in my purse before I got out. The service to jump my car was most excellent, super friendly and super fast. I only had to wait 10 minutes. What took so long after that was the toll operator trying to figure out how to discount me for the parking space (I got to park in the terminal parking lot for the same price as express parking). Yippee! Then by total accident I took the wrong exit and started heading in the wrong direction for OK. I had to backtrack a couple of miles. No bigee. I did finally make it to Comanche where I was greeted warmly by Jason's family and attacked by his nephews!! The gifts kept on coming and was surprised by a beautiful leather jacket from his parents. Nice. The next day Jason and I drove up to OKC and just vegged pretty much and ran a few errands. Got to see Jennifer (finally!) while I was there and checked out her new digs and went to see Eragon. A little cheesy but I liked it.

Also went to a New Year's Eve party and had quite a bit of fun. Learned how to play The Great Delmutie. Very fun! Stayed up late jabbering and just having a good time! I enjoyed it a lot AND it was cold outside. Anywhoos, you probably didn't want to know all that but there ya go.

I don't do resolutions. Why do them at the beginning of the year when you can make a resolution when you think of them? BUT I read a blog this morning that should be read by all so I'm gonna link it HERE. It's about your happiness.

First Turkey cooked by moui!

Purty ring I got!

It was a redneck Christmas, fo sho!

Alex and her new baby.

Emma in her cute outfit.

Beowulf on top of his dog house!

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