Monday, August 22, 2005


Well I survived it. My high school reunion that is. I'll say not much really changed. There were a few suprises of classmates marrying classmates, so that was fun. The highlight was eating lunch with my friend from 1st grade! Cara. It was really good to see her and catch up. I did see other friends like Rhonda and Laura. It was fun but the actual party was lame. Good DJ though. Oh well. We'll see if anyone changes 10 years from now! Check out my friends :

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

10 Year High School Reunion

Well this weekend I will be attending my 10 year high school reunion. GO BULLDOGS!!! It will be very interesting to see how everyone turned out since then. I hope it won't be too depressing. Just to get ready for it, I watched Grosse Point Blank. A pretty hilarious movie. I'm pretty excited. Hopefully next week I will have some pictures of the event!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Injury update

The swelling has gone down, however, now there are some lovely looking bruises that have emerged. Someone described it as an Italian sunset. Nice try.

I know, I know...the eyebrow needs some serious attention...

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Ouch! Stitches are not cool. At first they don't hurt because the doctor puts a numbing agent on the area. But when you wake up in the middle of the night, propped up on pillows, and your head hurts and you forget why so you brush your hand over where the stitches are.....DANG!!! Also, your arm hurts too, where you got your tetnus shot because you can't remember the last time you got one.

So why did I get stitches?

Racquetball can be a dangerous sport. Things to remember if you play.

  1. When it is the other person's turn to hit the ball...GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!.
  2. Wear your goggles.
  3. If you hurt someone...make sure they are ok.
  4. Duct tape will not work on such a cut.

PS: Sorry about the's out of control, I know. I'll pluck when it won't hurt!!!