Saturday, February 28, 2009

It's been awhile.

Yeah, I know. There's been a lot going on but there hasn't been any motivation to write about it.

First: We are still waiting on the house thing. All our papers are in order, pretty much. We are waiting on who knows at the top of the red tape to sign whatever paper to increase the limit on income for this very specific loan we have applied for. Right now "they" are saying March 29. Cross your fingers.

Second: almost three weeks ago I experienced my first major entanglement of an Oklahoma tornado. Not the most pleasant experience. Jason and I had to take separate cars that day because I had a PEO meeting in Ardmore and Jason had basketball games to announce in Sulphur. My meeting was canceled due to the potential for bad weather but I came home anyway. I went to Wal-Mart for a few things before I got home then made some good supper. I just chilled on the couch a bit. It was probably a little before 7pm when I started looking at the weather on the web and TV. I wasn't really concerned. There had been severe weather before and it never escalated and it was February for crying out loud. I was tracking the path on the web when I heard on the TV there was a storm chaser in Wilson, Ok which is due west of Ardmore. The guy was talking and all of a sudden he yelled, "Tornado on the ground, tornado on the ground." That got my attention so I listened more closely. He also said there was hail and while he was talking about it a car smashed into his car. They had to go to a break. Meanwhile I heard the tornado sirens come on. Panic mode. This next part may make you laugh...go ahead.

My first instinct when there's a possibility of power outage or water shortage is to fill up pitchers of water or even the bathtub. Don't ask me why but I just do, ok! So I immediately filled up the Brita water pitcher we have in the refrigerator. The next thing I did was think, I better go to the hospital basement (that is our designated tornado shelter). I was a little frantic and almost left with my houseshoes on. I did get my tennis shoes on and make it to my car. It was lightening quite frequently. It only takes about four minutes to get to the hospital but it seem like forever. I was a little worried that I would be the only one headed there. WRONG. The rest of humanity who didn't have a storm cellar was there too. Probably close to 200 people. I found a spot against the wall and waited. There was a lady next to me who needed a cigeratte and I gave her a piece of gum, hopefully to calm her down. I called my Dad to get some info on the path of the storm and also when it was safe to leave. I used my own phone to look it up but of course my battery was dying. Jason's sister called to check on me and report to Jason who in the meantime with the rest of the people at the highschool basketball game were in the safe room at the school. Built specifically for tornados. The only time while I was in the basement, the lights flickered once. That scared me. After an hour, the hospital staff gave the go ahead to leave.

I exited the building and the temperature had dropped dramatically. Was a lot of water in the ditches. I had to step it in to get to my car...brrrrrrr. Still lightening a lot but the majority of the storm had passed the northeast...toward Sulphur. I drove back to the apartment complex to notice that we had no electricity. It's wierd to be in total darkness. I did have my cell phone. It served as my flashlight for a little bit. I panicked for a second when I realized our apartment door lock is electric but separate from the grid. Needless to say I got in. Ok, now what? Ah HA!! I could use the lantern I bought when I was in Waco at a great price! Did I have the right sized batteries? Yes!!! I had two flashlights that had enough. The lantern gave off much more light. Now what? Nothing to do. Refrigerator? Eeek!! I had Jason's ribeye for Valentine's Day in there. I had to save it and everything else. So I went back to Wal-Mart to buy more batteries, ice, and candles that didn't have any fragrance so I could breathe. When I got to Wal-Mart again for the second time that day there were hardly any cars but there were shopping carts everywhere, blown about by the wind. It was really wierd. In Wal-Mart I got what I needed and then went to the book section. Twilight was staring at me, I was going to read it eventually, why not in the dark? I bought it.

Got home, packed as much food in a cooler with the ice as I could and started cleaning. It's a wierd reaction but I was pumped up on so much adreniline I couldn't sit there. Plus Jason wasn't home yet. I did get a hold of him. He was very relieved to hear my voice. You should hear the message he left me when he couldn't reach me, but that's between me and him :D You have to understand something about the weather. Jason is fascinated with it but very cautious when it becomes severe. Me on the otherhand, I'm pretty laid back. I knew that if I hadn't gone to the hospital basement like he would have done, he would have killed me when he got home. My survival instincts got the better of me.

Anywhoo...he got home around 10pm. We couldn't go to sleep so we just walked around aimlessly in the dark, me cleaning until around 11pm. The electricity came on!! Yay! It was a short time to be off but long enough. The food was saved!!! I could take a hot shower!

The Monday after the tornado several of the members of the church we attend were going to help some people in an area that was hit by the tornado that really hadn't been mentioned at all because no one was killed or even hurt that I know of. Jason and I were off that Monday because of President's Day so we decided to help. I'd never seen tornado damage in person and it was definitely a shock. The tornado, in fact, passed north of us about a mile from our apartment. That's where we were going. We helped clear fallen trees from some homes. The devestation was awesome and awful. It looked like a giant had walked through the trees knocking some completely down and some where he just took his hands and snapped them in half. I took a few pictures.

So much for that adventure. I will be better prepared for severe weather next time. We now have a "tornado box" with some essentials like batteries, cards to play with, candles, matches and snacks.

Third: This past week has been pretty terrible. I have one particular class I teach where about half the students work on other things when I lecture or even review for a test. I've talked to them about it, even talked to some parents but apparently I didn't get their attention. This week I had to review for the test for two days. Problems with one entire class being gone the whole hour. Had to give them at least one day to review. Anyway. The class that was acting up, I decided to get their attention by giving them the test the day we were supposed to review. The students who were trying to review got to use their books, the other did not. It upset some of them. Probably because they failed the test. Some of them took it to the principal's office. This was Wednesday. At the end of the hour, when the bells rang both principal and assistant principal came into my room. I immediately felt crappy and the tears came. Now you have to understand something. I do not revel being the "evil one" as I'm sure my students were putting it mildly. But I also cry when I literally don't feel good. It was a combination of both I think. But how can I explain that to two male figure heads. I dont' know if they thought I was just an emotional person or what...needless to say I was completely embarassed. There were no other students with us, so that made it better.

They sided with me. Gary, our principal, knew exactly was I was going through. He had been the exact situation before when he was teaching. No big deal. I'm totally over it now but at the time it was a crappy thing to go through because it didn't end that Wednesday. The reason I didn't feel well was because I caught, apparently the 72 hour stomach bug and not the throwing up kind. Ugggh. It wasn't enough to stop me from staying home but I wasn't eating a whole bunch. I was hungry and nauseated at the same time. Ate crackers mostly until last night. Rice soup. Felt better. Feeling 10 times better today. That's why I'm finally getting around and writing this HUGE blog!!! I didn't realize how bad I felt until this morning when I felt awesome!

I also feel awesome because I finished the Twilight saga. I couldn't stop. So much that I bought New Moon and finished it the day I bought it. I had to borrow Eclipse and Breaking Dawn from one of my students!!! It was a great series. Very different from what I expected!

Anyway. Today is great day! I'm feeling good and motivated to tackle some of the mess that is our apartment. (Jason hasn't felt good this week either).

I hope every thing is well with all of you out there!!

Later taters,

PS: I'm really excited about these movies: Madea Goes to Jail; The Watchmen :D and 9