Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Summer break is nearing its end....

I thought I would write a real blog instead of stealing someone else's. Hee hee. Ok. I thought I would write about the last couple of weeks and looking forward to the next couple of weeks. Married life as a newlywed is great. We are spending a lot of time together and mostly because we don't go out because we are broke!!! LOL!! The first major hump of being married. Bills have been paid and I think we have enough money for food ;-) but the rest...well there is no rest. Remember we are teachers and the pay schedule can be different from school to school. Sulphur and Thackerville have different pay schedules. I will not be getting a check in August when I start at Sulphur, like I did at Thackerville, because Sulphur already gave out their August pay checks. Thackerville gave out their August paychecks at the beginning of the school year. Therefore the effect is we are eating less and being creative with the Ramen noodles. :D LOL!! It's not that bad, but we do have Ramen noodles. We did have to break down and eat out at our favorite Mexican restaraunt last week. I think we were going into withdrawals. And I did go see The Dark Knight in the afternoon. Pretty good movie!! What else. Not much else. We've pretty much kept to ourselves and have been reading, playing games on the computer, watching TV and swimming/floating in the apartment pool. And because I'm a dork, I will tell you what game we have been addicted to. It's called Peggle and it's on I will say no more.

Yes...we've even had tournaments.

Yesterday was my birthday and got a LOT of birthday wishes and calls and e-cards that were really cute! It was a lot of fun! I got a fl
ower and two awesome cards from Jason and the deluxe version of Peggle. One of the cards was a talking card from The Office. It was AWWWWESOME!!! The other was really cute with bears on it. We also went to Turner Falls just up the road about 20 miles from here. It's a park with beautiful falls and trails and caves. We took a picnic and I climbed what I'm going to refer to as a mountain. In my definition it really was. I am so proud of myself. I actually physically got my fat butt up the side and literally had to climb up the dang rocks. At first I didn't think I could go all the way but I kept on saying "just a little more," and eventually I was at the top!!! The terrain is sooooo rocky there were plenty of footholds and handholds. But the side was really steep so I had to rest a little bit. The rock formations are pretty dang awesome. It's a lot of limestone and very craggy and has a lot of caves. I took some pictures so of course I will show you. I had to sit on my butt going all the way down and I had no problem with that. I didn't kill myself and that is an accomplishment ladies and gentlemen. Halfway down, on my butt, I hear, "If you like Pina Coladas, And getting caught in the rain, If you're not into yoga..." OH!! my phone!!! It was Ruth (Jason's sister) and her boys and they sang Happy Birthday to me. It was cool and I got a good rest so I could get down the mountain. Jason didn't climb because his toe has been bothering him, so we met up and had our picnic. Yum. Then we drove around the park and saw some cool camping sites that would be cool during the fall. Anybody interested? Then we saw a gorgeous view of southern Oklahoma. The pic doesn't do it justice.

I really don't know what this plant life is called, except gross!

Today my arms are very sore. The legs are fine but the arms...ouch. It was so worth it though. It really was exhilarating to get to the top. It reminded me of all the times our family would go to the Buffalo River and camp out and all the times we went to Devil's Den and hiked the trail and explored Devil's Den cave. Ah, the good times...and we'll have to do it again!

All in all I really did have a good birthday and now the real adventure begins next Monday with us going back to school. I will be introduced as Mrs. McMullen to the Sulphur High School and begin my orientation. I've already had dreams of my first day and they have been interesting. I will be teaching Geography, US History and Psychology. Whoo hoo!! NO cheerleading duties, NO junior class duties. I'm sooooo excited about it. This is a bigger school and therefore a little more organized, hopefully :D I love structure and perform well in such an environment. I think that's about it and I'm sure I will be posting what happens after my first day with the kiddos. I'm super excited now there is less subjects to teach and I can really focus on the classes and being interactive with the kids.

Until next time!! Syanora!!!

PS: Has anybody been watching "I Survived a Japanese Game Show?" I LOVE IT!!!

1 comment:

C&C said...

Happy Birthday Jessica! Glad it was awesome! Hahaha, oh the fun times of being a newlywed! You will definitely look back and laugh someday. I sometimes wonder how we survived- it was definitely a crash course in economics and everything else. Glad all is well & you made it back from your honeymoon OK. Best wishes & lots of love- Cara