Monday, August 04, 2008

Gettin' Ready for School...

I love getting ready for school!!! You get to get supplies (I love supplies) and you get to arrange your classroom the way you want it. You also get to clean, which I don't mind doing because it makes your room look awesome. Call me a dork, I don't care. There are other people out there who like this aspect too and you know who you are!!!

Today was the first day in a very long time that we have set the alarm. It was torture. Actually it wasn't tooooo bad, but I still didn't like it. Jason thought we should start getting back into the routine. Ok, whatever... We took most of our classroom stuff to school and found out that Jason couldn't do anything in his room because they were about to wax the hallway in his wing. So we got to work in my room, which, honestly, did need the most work. I like my room, I just have two issues. I need a projector (with projector screen) and a whiteboard with markers. I was a little spoiled at Thackerville and had both. Eventually I will get both but it will just take a little while. Meanwhile I have to contend with a chalk board!!!! Yikes!!! I will have to be super dooper creative. I can totally do it. I do have a ton of cork board that I can put posters and stuff on it. I think I will steal from Facebook the application "Pieces of Flair" and have part of the cork board available for my students' flair, ie, good papers, etc... All in all I'm excited to go back tomorrow and make my room look awesomer!!! OOOOooooohhhhh!!! Forgot to tell you the school has a vault of supplies and I'm planning on looking tomorrow and see if there is anything I need. Mmmwwwahhhahhhhahhhhaaa!!!

Other news: I scratched my cornea Thursday morning around 4:30am. I have NO IDEA how I did it either. I just remember sitting straight up with my hand over my eye and having feel like it was on fire or someone had literally scratched my eyeball with their fingernails. Relax, it wasn't Jason. I go to the bathroom and look and I can barely open the lids. I did remove my contact in the left eye. ( I have contacts I sleep in). I thought the right contact had come out, but when I looked closer it was still there so I removed it. Dang, it hurt!!! I couldn't tell by just looking in the mirror if I had scratched it somewhere and I thought maybe Visine would help. Wowsers!!! It did not. I finally just got a washcloth and soaked it in cold water and placed over my eye and tried to go back to sleep. The eye doctor didn't open until 8:30. I have no idea how I went back to sleep but I did. I woke Jason about 8:00 and let him know what was going on. I took a shower and called the eye doctor and told them I was coming in right away, it was any emergency. I got there with Jason driving me and I had tears pouring from my eye and they asked me for my insurance. Aaaahh! I had it but I had to dig for it. While they were dealing with that, they took me back to the exam room and asked a couple of questions and then put a miracle drug in my eye to numb the pain. I then could actually open my eye. I was thinking, "I have GOT to get me some of THAT!!!" The receptionist came to the room and said that my insurance was terminated as of today. July 31. OKKKKKK! Thank goodness it happened today and not Friday!!! I was still covered. The doctor came in and checked and said that there was a scratch on my cornea in a perfect circle. OK. Still can't figure out how that happened. He dilated my eye, so I looked spooky. Jason wondered if the doctor was going to give me an eye patch, arggh! I got my antibiotics and pain killers. Went to Wal-mart to fill the prescription, and then came home to sleep. I was really tired from the ordeal.

The next day we went back for a check up and my eye was perfectly healed!!!! Yay!!! The doctor said the cornea was one of the fastest healing organs in the body. Thank goodness. I don't EVER want to go through that again. That was some of the worst pain I've been through. He did say however, there was a slight chance for reoccurence in the next 2-3 months. Great. He suggested I get some artificial tears and use them before I go to sleep. That should help. What an adventure. It's rarely boring around here!!!

After the check up, Jason and I headed to OKC for some shopping. His parents gave us some clothes money for school and the weekend was a tax free holiday for clothes. Yippee!!! We had a good time together.

So, tomorrow brings more exciting adventures for Jason and Jessica, as tomorrow always does. And the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day....

So until then,

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