Tuesday, February 22, 2011

He's 26 days old...

...and I can't believe it! He is growing fast. I was just looking at newborn pictures and him now. Unbelievable! No huge milestones except giving him a bath. The first time was scary...Jason was in charge of not letting him slip out of the tub and I tried to figure out how to wash JR. I gave him a bath today by myself. I was a little more confident today and it turned out good. Plus he smells wonderful after a bath. I could sniff his hair all day. He wasn't too keen on the bath though. I'm sure that will change later on. I did get a fountain display while bathing him. :D

A friend came by last Sunday to take professional pictures of JR and I got a sneak peak this past weekend. I'll show you one. It's not even the cutest:

Hopefully I'll get out the birth announcements soon!

Saturday we had a lot of visitors! Jason's parents came by on their way to see Ruth and Cliff (sis-in-law). Next was Jennie and Ben from Waco! They came bearing gifts and lots of them! I'm so excited about the books! I haven't even gone through the clothes yet! I was so proud of the dogs. Ben is almost four and they were wonderful with him! He played outside with them by himself! The dogs have definitely been more socialized because of people coming by to see JR. However they were not fond of the cable guy to hook up our Internet. Dang!

Jennie and Ben spent the night so they wouldn't have to drive 8 hours in one day just to see us! The next bunch of guests were Mary Beth, Nate and Jen! That was fun too! We all went to Turner Falls to walk around and enjoy the beautiful weather. We also stopped for fried pies...YUMMY!

I guess the other major milestone is that Jason changed his first diaper that day, and apparently it was a doozie! Hey, if you're gonna dive in, go in all the way! Jason is helping out more and more and I appreciate it so much! Now if I can get him to voluntarly wake up in the middle of the night with JR, THAT would be amazing!!

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