Thursday, January 29, 2009

Updates, Randomness Part 1

Well I thought I would first start off with some updates on the past two months.
  1. I finished every knitting project I was on (except the ongoing project of the afghan for over 11 years).
  2. Christmas, as always, was too short with family. We had a good time and also celebrated Alex's 6th birthday. I made a "present cake" for her!
  3. I got a bike from all the Christmas money I received (thanks to all who contributed!!)
  4. Christmas has come and gone and now I have springitis as well as my students.
  5. Jason and I have been house hunting for several months now and I think we have found a house that would suit us... (pictures in the next blog)
  6. Here are some pictures:

Me with Alex and her knitted presents

Happy/Sassy Emma with her knitted hat

Nephews TC, Bryce and Devon on Christmas Day

Brother-in-law Cliff with his new was like he was a kid...
he wore it all day around the house

My beautiful bike with awesome helmet. I actually did ride it the other day when the temperature was actually WARM!!!!

New Years Eve picture

Alex's cake Mom and I made for her!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize you made the cake! It was so cute!!