Monday, August 06, 2007

The Big Move and The Job!!!!

Holy Molyrama!!! There has been so much going on and I stubbed my toes today!! Where to start... well first of all check out this video last with Mary Beth :(

and then this one:

Ok, sooo now that was really a recap of what has gone on previously but I just wanted to make sure you knew what was going on!!!!

OK!!! The Big Move!!! Thursday 26 July was my last day at Dr Pepper Museum. It was extremely sad and that's all I have to say about that.

Friday, went swimming one last time with Anita and then packed packed packed and then Sammy and I went to get the Budget truck for all my crap (and I had a lot of it too!!!). I took Sammy to lunch at Bush's Chicken and it was extremely good.

I don't remember actually what I did after that except pack pack pack and for a break I watched Pride and Prejudice. It was great. Ok, the next day I packed some more and waited for the guys to arrive which they did and started moving my junk. They were awesome. Got it done in about 1.5 hours with a lot of sweat! Thanks Mark, Lewis, Chris and Mr. Havens!!! Ya'll rock! Anita and Joy came after them and cleaned my apartment. It was amazing. I have such great friends. Thank you so much!!! THEN Ruth, Cliff and all their boys came to actually drive the truck and help me move into the apartment at Ardmore. Cliff actually got there before Ruth and I did and that's ok with me. I had a good time taking turns driving with the boys. :D

Well, I'll tell ya, I took two showers that day, one with my own sweat (that was involuntary) and the other right before I went to bed. Whew! What a day! Jason's mom was at the apartment too and that was great. We all cooled down for a bit in the pool with Cliff's sister and her husband and kids who live in Ardmore.

So the rest of the week was basically spent unpacking and organizing all while my Mom came for a visit to help unpack and set up my school room and reserve the wedding chapel!!!! JUNE 14th at 1pm. WRITE IT DOWN!!!

Saturday I went back to Waco (which was weird, by the way) for Lewis' and Heather's wedding. It was nice and I got to see some friends.

It was nice to sleep in a little on Sunday before starting the work week!!! Dad was in Dallas helping Alison's son move so he came up on Sunday and checked out the apartment and took Jason and I out to lunch. Thanks, Dad!!

TODAY was my first day of work and it was pretty good. One hour with all the administration and then time in my room getting all my resources together and then an In-Service about Special Education then more time in my room and asking the principal some questions. Hey!! We get our own laptops!!! Cool!!! I also met some of my students who are also cheerleaders, which I am sponsoring this year!!! Oh my goodness what have I gotten myself into!!! I don't know but I'm sure I will blog about it not this weekend but the next when I get a break! Pat will be in Fayetteville before he leaves for Iraq and Jason and I are going up to see him. :|

All right people, peace out and keep cool!!! Whew! It's hot!!! But, it could be worse!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

You sound like you're having a really good time. When does school start for you guys, or has it already? I didn't think to look at the date of your post. Life sounds so good for you right now. I'm really happy for you!!! :) I will write down the BIG DAY!!! YAY!!!! :) Okay girlfriend, you take care and I hope to hear from you soon! Love ya!