Thursday, November 10, 2005


Hmmmm....looking forward to this year's Thanksgiving. This is probably my favorite holiday. I love the cooler weather (except when in Texas where it was 89 degrees yesterday!!!). I also love the trees turning different colors. What I think I will enjoy is the drive home. This drive I plan to take my time and am in no rush. I usually leave right after work and that is just too stressful and I arrive at night. I plan on leaving early in the morning the day before Thanksgiving and arriving during the day. I like to travel to places because I have a destination to get to. Something good is at the end of my trip. The something good this time is my family and friends. Especially Alex and Emma (and if you don't know who they are yet, you're missing out! Check out my other postings). I'm looking forward to it! Now the bad thing about going home for Thanksgiving is coming back. The traffic will be terrible and I am always depressed when I get back to Texas (just for a little while). WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS THANKSGIVING?


Roger Hui said...

To see you!!!

Angie said...

Yay! I'm looking forward to seeing my family! They (my mom, dad, and brother) are coming to see me for Thanksgiving. It's the first time whole family has visited in 5 years or more!!! I'm SO excited, I can't stop typing exclamation points!!!