Thursday, July 02, 2009

Quick note...on grass...

Just a quick we (and when I say we, I mean Jason) mowed the grass for the first time since our move in date. I found it very satisfying actually. Yes it was at 7am in the morning and it was still warm but I felt like we accomplished something. (I raked grass and other debris).

I used to hate is not the right word...DESPISE it when Mom would come in early Saturday morning and say something like "lawn day" or "get up, get up, we need to do some chores!" I don't even know how to describe the irritation in my being when I heard that. Before Drew and Pat were old enough, I had to mow the lawn. We always had lawn mower issues...the issue being there was always something wrong with them. They would not start, flat tire...whatever... We also had a variety of lawn mowers too. Push and riding. I liked the biggie...except when I mowed under the apple tree. It would scrape my back while I was trying to duck underneath the low hanging limbs...those things were like steel with pointy objects!!! The push mowers were awful. We had a huge yard and mowing would take forEVer!!! And not to mention I get blisters very easily and I would have blisters from holding down the little bar to keep the mower going. (What can I say, I have delicate skin).

So all that complaint to say, I never appreciated the work that was involved and the outcome of having a pretty yard. I hated it then, and not lovin it now, but the satisfaction of saying, "look at my yard! I did that (or my husband did that)." It is pretty darn cool.

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