Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I labored yesterday....

Happy Belated Labor Day everyone! I was sooo happy to have a day to do what ever I wanted. I slept in until a big whopping 8ish and laid there until 10ish. It was nice but wish I could have slept a little longer. Oh well. I had a whole list of "chores" to do this weekend and I about finished the list. Just have to dust and vacuum. Now what do I do after that? I will come home to a clean apartment and then.....?!?!? I need to do something contructive, so if anyone knows me well enough and has any ideas, feel free to let me know...

Sunday was Mary Beth's wedding and it was wonderful!! We had a lot of fun. It's always good to know the bride or groom really well and some of there friends and family because you actually feel a part of it. Jennie, Carrie and I rode together. Jack, Linda and Dr. Ellie and Al were there too. So you know it was a hoot (if you know who I'm talking about (and most Texas museum people do)).

What else...a friend of mine and I went and saw Cars at the dollar theater. It really was a good funny movie. And let's just say you get what you pay for. I love the dollar theater but let's face it, it's dirty and it smelled. My shoes were sliding all over the floor because it hadn't been cleaned in awhile. Not that I'm complaining but there were a lot of kids, which is totally to be expected, but I forgot how...what's the word...irritating they can be when they aren't your own. There were no seats so we sat on the third row and I swear, my neck still has a tendancy to look up. Overall it was an enjoyable time. Other than that, I did have a restful time and my apartment is clean! Whoot woot!

Got a call from my brother yesterday. He traded in his Ford Ranger for a 2006 Ford Mustang GT. It's a standard and fire engine red. He's really excited and so is my Dad (mixed with a little jealousy, I imagine). I told Drew he can teach me to drive a standard and he said....hmmmm...maybe...which I translated to maybe over my dead body. Ha! Dad and I have a bet on how long it will take him to get a ticket. Speaking of new cars, Jason also traded his Ford Ranger yesterday for a 2007 Saturn Aura. It's the kind of car we test drove last weekend. It's a really nice car and will last a long time. It also has some very cool features. Check it out!!! I'm very happy for everyone who has a new car!!!

PS: The Dr Pepper Museum is now on MySpace...check it out and be its friend!

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