I had a wonderful week/end spending time with family. Let's just start on Wednesday: My plan was to leave work at 12:30pm and arrive at Jason's parents at 5pm. Well that didn't work. There must have been a huge wreck about 50 miles north of Waco because cars crawled at no speed - snail pace for about 2 hours and we barely got 3 miles. THAT was fun. But I made it in one piece to McAlester, OK. Funny that Jason and his Dad got stuck in traffic going to pick up deer meat. Hee hee... Had a relaxing Thanksgiving Day with Jason's parents and his sister Ruth and Cliff (her husband). I think I've watched enough football to last me for about two years now.
I drove us to Fayetteville on Friday and had no problems getting there. Baked a pie and waited until the bro, sis-in-law and nieces came over. Fun times! Turkey...goood! Arkansas losing to LSU....BAD!!!
Now the trip back to Waco wasn't all that bad because I had the fore thought to pick some alternate routes that saved me some time. Except for the wreck that held up traffic outside of Waco. Fortunately I was at a place where I knew some back roads to get to the apartment. Yeah! I got home about 7pm. All in all the trip was I can't wait for Christmas. I'm thinking of taking a whole week off, which will be really nice. I got to get crackin' Christmas is around the corner!!! Which leads me to a dilemma. Should I get the tree out and decorate or no b/c no one but me will see it? It's always a quandary. Below are a few pics of the fam:
Ok, this isn't of the family.
I took a picture of the grass waving in the wind while I was stuck on N-I35E.

Jason's Dad carving the turkey!

I took a picture of the grass waving in the wind while I was stuck on N-I35E.

Jason's Dad carving the turkey!

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