Whoa, it seems forever since I've blogged!!! I need to catch ya'll up on stuff! Let's see, what has happened? On the weekend of October 21st I went to Jason's sister's wedding. It was beautiful. She was definitely a princess! The wedding was between Comanche and Duncan on Highway 81. The drive was great. It was nice to see different scenery and drive with no one else on the road. Sweet! I met a lot of Jason's family, including his Grandmother, and a lot of Cliff's family too. Cliff was the groom. All in all, a good time was had by everybody!
So that was the weekend. What else has happened? On 10-24 was our third annual Dr Pepper oUT oF tHE oRDINARY gOLF tOURNAMENT. The turnout was ok but we made basically the same amount of money as last year. We need more players...if you are interested in golfing, our next tournament is on 10-24-07. It's always on 10-24 (weekday permitting). Because, of course, you drink a bite to eat at 10, 2 and 4!
ANYWAY!!! What else...ummmm well my Mom is scheduled to have surgery on November 6th. It's outpatient surgery indirectly related to her cancer treatments. Her next BIG surgery in on December 20th.
Last weekend was fabulous. Friday I took in a matinee. The Prestige. Pretty good! About two magicians duking it out to be the best. On Saturday I got to sleep in for once in a great while. I slept probably until 9 and then read in bed until noon. It was great. Then I went to see the movie The Departed. Pretty good, people! Based on one of my favorite films from Hong Kong, Infernal Affairs. If you get a chance to see it, do so.
Sunday started a week of busyness. Sunday was the Chili/Gumbo cookoff, which we helped set up and take down for...Monday I worked and then represented Cottey College at the HOT College Fair that night....Tuesday night was Fall Festival at Church. (Not Halloween, mind you, but you could still dress up and get candy...what's the logic behind that?) I helped serve pizzas in the concession stand...Wednesday night I represented the country China at church for Mission emphasis week and then helped Angie cook a chicken casserole for a family with an illness. Thursday for lunch I ate at La Fiesta and listened to women talk about their mission experiences. It was good but I'm TIRED!!! So tonight I'm not gonna do much...maybe pick up a few things here and there in the apartment and watch Pride and Prejudice. Gosh, I love that movie.
The next two weekend are going to be action packed, so look for a blog posting next week on NASCAR...yeah, that's right, NASCAR!
Signing off....J

Jessica the Pirate (at work)

Work gang at lunch...on Halloween...duh!
It's not usually how we dress...usually....
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