- Check the weather, it could be cold.
- Sub tip - wear warm clothes when cold
- If you do get a chance to sit down, bring something to sit on.
- Check the best possible and easy accessible parking spots (and alternate routes to get to them).
- Leave in plenty of time...you never know how long it will take you to climb the ramp to get to your seats in the nose bleed section.
- MOST IMPORTANT TIP: Try not to wear the opposing team's colors...you could get your head smashed in...when in doubt...wear red.

These tips are brought to you by people who have experienced the weather, sitting arrangements, parking, climbing and wearing of inappropriate colors. (Jason was most unfortunate to have in his possession a Norman Tigers coat, which happens to be orange, which happened to be the color of the Tennessee Vols, who we happened to be playing at the time.)
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