Monday, December 03, 2007
Irony, Wedding stuff and it's getting cold!!!!
What else...the irony? I don't know if you read my last blog but it had to do with death and how desensitized to or how we move on from it. I found out the Monday we got back to school that one of our senior students was killed that Sunday afternoon in a car crash. Talk about a wonderful way to start the week. Needless to say the week was not all that productive. I only had Justin in class for a couple of weeks before he requested 7th hour to work instead. But I have Justin's girlfriend in two classes and juniors who were majorly effected. I went to the funeral on Thursday. It wasn't pleasant. I really didn't know what to do when I heard the news. I felt like crying but I really didn't know him personally but I had a few interactions with him just because the school is so small. He told me one time he wished he could have stayed in my class (Ancient History) and whenever I saw him he was always bright and cheerful. There isn't really any profound thing to say after a kid/student/child dies like that, you just can't. Just cherish the time you have with your friends and loved ones. You never know when it will be your last or someone else you love. This isn't the thing you wish on students to learn how fragile life is, but I sure hope our students realize it.
The other bad thing that happened last week was that I got sick and I mean 100 degree fever sick. It started about noon on Monday with major headache, aches, hurting throat... Well the next morning I woke up and there was no way I was going to school, which stinks because then you have to take care of your lesson plans for that day and call the school for a substitute and then pray that your kids behave. Well of course some didn't...(another story). Anyway, I was fortunate to get into the doctor's office early and get a shot in the behind to help speed up the getting healthy process. Dang, it hurt. I'm still taking the huge pink pills. It really helped though. I was feeling much better that evening. Jason was so sweet and helpful. He even said he would stay home with me. Awwwww! He called and checked on me after work and asked if I needed anything. :D I'm so lucky!
That's about it except I ordered my wedding dress on Saturday!!! After I paid the bill, it hit me that it was done!!! I got so excited!!! Ruth, Jason's sister, went with me and that was fun...a lot better than going alone! We went down to Denton and had some lunch, Pei Wei, as a matter of fact and it was SOOOOO GOOOOOD!!!!! (We don't have wonderful Asian food here in Ardmore.) Anyway! It was a good day.
It's finally getting cold!!!!! No sweating but now Jason hears, "I'm freezing!" "I need my jacket!" "Where are my slippers?" etc... while he is just in heaven. He's a cold kinda guy. Weather that is. I like it too because I like to be wrapped up in blankets... Anyway, I'm looking forward to that first snowflake!!! Come on winter, bring it on!!!!
Peace to you and yours and be nice in the stores!!!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Death....and being courageous!!!
Well this is a blog sorta in response to a blog written by an excellent writer who should be doing it for a living....
In general, the blog was about hearing about death and then moving on from it. Especially when it personally does not effect us.
I think we are so flippant about death sometimes, is because it wasn't us. "Perpetual care and perpetual denial today." When Drew was in Iraq, and now Pat, I rarely watched the news but when it was unavoidable and I heard that some soldiers had been killed, I sorta stuck around to see where and who. I remember distinctly one time when I found out the latest batch who had been killed were British I was so relieved it wasn't Drew; then I went on. But a few hours later, I just broke down and weeped for those soldiers whom I flippantly passed over. Not because they had died exactly but about my attitude when I found out I didn't know who they were.
Yes, we are to move on and live life fully. I recently sent Patrick a package with a recorded message from me, and I read him two verses.
Deuteronomy 31:6 "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
The same should apply to us. Why not live courageously and boldly even, no matter where we are. Look who is on our side!! It seems to me a "duh" statement, but so hard to live by. We...or, I get so caught up in the "woe is me" attitude and that is just not pretty to be around, let me tell you. I usually get despondent and isolate myself, without turning to the one being who can actually do something about it. Or I forget what He has already done for us and is still doing for us. I get too comfortable in my own pain and wallow in it. It's hard to climb out of that sometimes. And even when I know the solution to the problem, I find it very difficult to just reach out for the very easy, ergonomic step ladder that is right there for me to grab. See, it's even easier for me to write about pain than write about Jesus, our Savior who is the ultimate healer and protector. That's why there are so many songs that are wonderful that deal with pain and not necessarily the solution, or the solution is not a wonderful one: drinking, drugs, sex, death, even. We can totally relate. Well I can't really relate to "Comfortably Numb" by Pink Floyd, except that I have been comfortably numb but not because of drugs...but it sure is a cool song.
Enough! Let's talk about being couragous!!! Why not!!! Beautiful things happen when you are couragous. Like the first time someone says, "I love you," to another or giving a helping hand to someone you dislike. Those are personal, how about taking a personal couragous step with another and changing history. As a history teacher, I see many of America's leaders who were couragous to fight against tyranny, otherwise we may be talking with a different accent right now. Samuel Adams comes to mind and Thomas Paine (sounds intellectual, right? well we just studied it in US History...don't get me started). I am amazed at what it took for people to speak out for what they believed in, such as Thomas Paine who wrote Common Sense. In his own "blog," he wrote that is was "duh" not to break away from Britain and that historical document was the precursor to the Decleration of Independence.
This may sound corny but you should try "breaking away" from a life filled with such a careful life...if that makes sense.
Jesus said, "I have come so that you may have life, and live it to the full." (John 10:10)
Wonder what that means? Maybe it means we need to quit tip toeing around and actually live. Experience life...fall in love, go to school, have a career, travel, be with friends and family and don't get caught up in petty issues that we think are huge drama.
OK. Enough...go out there and live.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 09, 2007
My life has been strange, interesting and so much fun. Sure, there has been some major drama in my life, who hasn't? I can't wait to see what is in store for me in the future. It's exciting.
Today I didn't have to go to work because we had parent teacher conferences until 9pm last night. They went really well!
I haven't done much today except play my Age of the Empires game on the computer. I did write some letters and make an eye doctor appointment. I'm about to actually clean up and go give blood too.
Just thought I would give a shout out that I am blessed. Take care!
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Random things....a lot has happened in a month!
1) I felt terrible Friday. I ached all over and throat hurt and a headache and just was miserable. However! I had already taken the day off so I was at home and feeling terrible so that made me feel a little better. :)) Make sense? Well I did nothing that day except sleep, get a free flu shot (my first ever), watch a little TV, slept some more, played on the computer and cleaned the apartment. Jason's Mom came for a visit! The bad thing about sleeping all day is that you (or in this case I) wasn't able to go to sleep until around 1am, which sounds not all that early to some of you, but it's really late for me, OK!!! I don't know if I had a reaction to the flu shot or if this was left over from me feeling terrible Sunday through Tuesday earlier this week. ?
2) The previous day (November 1) was Jason's birthday! So we went to OKC and saw Jeff Dunham in concert. He's a comedian ventriloquist. If you know who Walter and Peanut are...they are my favorite characters! Jeff is really good's like there are actually two different people standing up there. He's really great! Afterwards we went to one of Jason's favorite places to eat. Buffalo Wild Wings. Yummy! It was a great evening because Ruth and Cliff was able to come too.
3) Let's back up a little bit. School had a fall break. YAY!!! Started on a Wednesday and it was really needed. I went and got a haircut (desperately needed), my toes done (and I was in the chair for like and hour!!!) (so maybe my feet were in not so good shape), and I got my nails done too. This is one of the great things about living in a smaller town. It's a LOT cheaper to get these things done. :D Anyway Wednesday was wonderful. I got to rest and relax. Thursday Jason (who also had fall break) and I went to McAlester to pick up his parents so we could go to Fayetteville so the parents could meet! Aaaahhhh!!! Nah, it was awesome!!! They liked each other, we ate catfish, enjoyed the scenery, grilled and visited. What more could you want?
4) Ok, so now I'm down to 3 cheerleaders to sponsor at the high school level. Grades and infighting have narrowed the field so to speak. This is fine with me! It's ridiculous to see it happen. Obviously their priority (as they say) is not cheerleading. I tell them and my classes that whatever you do in life you are going to have to work with people you don't like and you are going to have to learn how to deal with it. Either you will do it badly and be miserable or find a way that will work without being mean or, hey, positive! They just don't get it....yet. They will find out the hard way, some of them. I was really disappointed on Thursday with one of my classes for ganging up on the bully during a review game. Which may or may not have been ok, but I didn't want them to. I told them their attitudes they form as a kid will not necessarily change when they become an adult. Their actions today will most probably be what they do as an adult. I don't know if that got through to them but they sure did quiet them down!
5) Halloween Carnival for the school. Because I am the sponsor of a club and co-sponsor of the junior class...I had to help manage three booths for the school carnival. The only good thing was that the junior class didn't have to think of a booth to do. The junior class always does the concession stand and bingo, which are probably the hardest things to manage. The cheerleaders decided to do a Goldfish ping pong game where you bounce the ping pong into a bowl to win a goldfish...well they didn't listen to me when I said they had put way to many goldfish out. All the goldfish were won half way through the carnival and so we made not even $100 dollars. (rolling of the eyes). However! I had fun because Jason came with me and helped out and it was nice to interact with the kids and see everyone dressed up. (kids that is) I dressed up on Halloween day guessed it, a pirate....they've never seen me as a pirate and I had the what they hey!!
6) Want to ask for some prayer!! My Mom is not feeling all that well right now. She fell about a month ago at school and hurt her hip. She's been going to physical therapy and had an MRI last week to check it out because it really wasn't healing. She's having some other difficulties as well as missing Patrick. She's by herself and is pretty lonely, I think. She does have Beowulf, though! (Patrick's dog).
Also be praying for my nieces, Alex and Emma. They are having some balance issues and Drew and Mandy are taking them in for tests to see what the actual problem is. For Alex her feet were formed a little awkwardly and needs to have surgery...again...which wasn't a big surprise. Next week on the 14th is her surgery. This time it's going to be difficult because she's a big girl now and when she had her other surgeries she was a baby and really didn't remember it. This go around may be a little more difficult just because she's been able to walk for awhile. Pray for Drew and Mandy too as they are the ones taking care of those sweet girls!!! I just can't get enough of them!!
Pray for Pat as he is in Iraq. He has two jobs and one of them takes him away from the other. Apparently his "buddies" think he's shirking his duties and they are giving him a hard time. It seems, though, it's getting better. His specialty is Military Police, so you know that's going to be stressful!
7) What else? I really can't think of anything except that Jason and I are going to get our engagement pictures taken this Saturday! Yay!!!
Wow! Not writing for a month is not the way to go....I will try to write more often. See ya'll later....hopefully there will be some pictures to show off!!!!
Later taters,
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Some Highs, Some Lows
Last week was Jason's homecoming for high school. Monday was geek/nerd day and when I asked him why he wasn't dressing up, he replied, "because I'm a geek every day!" True...he is a math teacher... However, he did dress up Thursday for Rock Star Day and this is what he looked like:
So that was the funny of the blog. Now on a more serious note...
Why do people live off of drama? What is it that makes us stop in our tracks and watch a car wreck or unrealistic soap operas? Sometimes I have to deal with a little drama that seems senseless to me. I am the cheerleading sponsor for Thackerville High School and on occasion the girls can't seem to focus because of the latest boyfriend break up or argument with each other. As my Mema used to say, "Why can't everybody just do what they're supposed to do?" However, even she wasn't immune. She loved watching the Muarry Povitch Show. But I do enjoy the cheerleaders, they sometimes make me feel old, but usually make me feel younger than I am...they make me laugh too!

The THS Cheerleaders!
What else.
I got a call from my Mom last Thursday that my great uncle, Clyde Hogan, had passed away. He was my Mema's brother who lived in the same city as Mema and Papa. So we had a lot of interaction with him and Aunt Di. He lived to be 92 and was still very enthusiastic about life. Even after he had part of his leg amputated due to an infection. He was looking forward to getting his prosthesis. His attitude was what stands out to me. Always smiling and very very smart. He was funny too. Uncle Clyde told me a lot of stories about him growing up in Conway, AR and also OK during the depression with his other two brothers and my Mema. One in particular was when he was working out in a yard for someone and grew to be very tan. He got so dark that several people wouldn't have anything to do with him because they thought he was black. I'm not sure what his reaction was but I do know he believed in equality and fairness and was a humble person. He did a lot in his life and most of it was for other people. The funeral home did an awesome slide show of Uncle Clyde too.
Click here to read his obituary and watch his slide show. Even though you may not have met him, you can tell from his obit that he was an outstanding man!
I went to the graveside service in Conway yesterday. It was a long trip to and back again but worth it. It is good to see family even when it is for celebrating someone's passing. I suggest you read my sister-in-law's blog about Death and Dying and family. Very good insight. Check it out here.
The last thing I'll talk about is what I got when I got back home from the funeral. Jason's mom was in town and they both went shopping in OKC yesterday. When I got home Jason asked me to bring him what was under his hat in the kitchen. It was my wedding ring. Aaaaahhhhh!! and it wasn't the one that we looked at earlier! It was even better! It's white gold and a princess cut solitaire. He also bought an enhancer to go on the sides. *sigh* Here's a picture:


In its box.
He did a good job, didn't he!!!
Please keep my Aunt Becky in your prayers. This is the daughter of Uncle Clyde. She lost her sister several years ago to a pretty terrible battle with cancer. And also their mother passed away several years ago too. Aunt Becky is the only one left of that part of the branch so she's feeling a little lonely. I would also have you pray for my mom who is still dealing with some health issues including a sore hip from a fall a couple of weeks ago. Keep Patrick in your prayers too while he is in Iraq!!!
Next blog will be about the meeting of Jason and my families in a couple of weeks. This should be a good time!!!
Later taters....gots to grade papers!!!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Post Script
Just thought I'd share!!!
Wow, One Month!!!
I have come up and out of the gray to greet you (at 6:34am)!!! This is almost the only time I can do my blog!!! Yeah, I'm that busy (it seems, anyways). What's happened for a month?
- Parent-teacher conferences. Interesting and for the most part enjoyable. I got to meet a lot of the parents. So, that was good. AND the next day, we didn't have school. Double YAY!!
- Went to Lefores, TX for Labor Day weekend with Jason and met some more of his family. Uncle and cousins. Had a good time with their kids and jumping in the bouncy castle, ping pong tournaments and later playing poker with the adults! (There were a lot of kids there.)
- Have gone to three football games with the cheerleaders. I have to say I like it. Except the bus rides for away games. Yikes!! It's jr. high and high school band trips all over again!!!
- Goodness, what else? = School
- I was invited to a PEO meeting!!! PEO is an international organization for women who help women in furthering their education. There are chapters everywhere and belonged to one in Waco and now have met more sisters! So fun!!! It's a fun deal.
I've been in contact with my brother, Patrick who is in Iraq since the beginning of September. He is doing well and seems to be the responsible one in his unit (go figure). His true colors shine now! His unit is a military police unit doing police like things and helping out the Iraqi police. However, his punctuation and spelling in his email has not improved. :D
I'm really looking forward to our fall break in October. It looks like I'll be sleeping in and watching a little TV. It's also the weekend where my parents and Jason's parents are going to meet for the first time!!! This will be fun!!!
Oh by the way, I watched the premier of Kid Nation last night and it is now my favorite TV show before The Office comes on NEXT week!!! :D The kids are running their own pioneer town and have to figure out how to organize themselves and survive. It is soooo cute and I was rooting for them the whole hour. They were very good to encourage each other!
Well I really got to run and dry my hair and then go to school. I will write a little more when I get the chance!!! Hopefully sooner than later!!!
PS: GO HOGS GO!!!!! Beat Kentucky!!!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Sleepy Time!!
Started school last Thursday, August 9th. First day was good and so was Friday and now I'm through the first full week of school. I'm having a blast and I love the kids. However, there will always be one or two or three kids that is going to test me and they already have!!! But so far so good. I think I've handled it in an appropriate manner. I'm sure if I haven't, someone will let me know.
I gave an open book/note test yesterday on Ancient World History. Fun!! All my other classes have tests on Monday. I'm still in the organizing phase. It's going to be tough for awhile getting together all my resources and thinking of ways to teach that are not just worksheets. But I do have a projector that hooks to my computer so I can do some internet stuff and powerpoint presentations too!
So let me back up a little. Last weekend Jason and I went home to Arkansas to visit family, in particular, Patrick. It was his last farewell before being shipped off to Iraq. He actually left on Wednesday and arrived in Kuwait yesterday? Pray for him and his unit's safety and courage. So Saturday we had a little party and it was great. I got to play with my two nieces while the guys took naps :D Actually earlier that morning we all went over to Grandma's house. Dad is going to try and sell it. Grandma is now in the nursing home and needs 24/7 care. We went over to her house to "divvy up" everything. Which was hard, because Grandma wasn't there, yet she hasn't passed away either. It was weird and sad but good at the same time. Does that make sense?
Sunday, Jason and I left for Ardmore, OK, but not before going to see Grandma. It was the first time I had seen her in the nursing home. It was tough, but she knew who I was!
So, here are some pictures from several things:
- Farewell dinner with my gals
- Me holding Ben (Jennie's baby) for the first time
- Moving pictures
- Lewis and Heather's wedding
- Pat's Party
Monday, August 06, 2007
The Big Move and The Job!!!!
and then this one:
Ok, sooo now that was really a recap of what has gone on previously but I just wanted to make sure you knew what was going on!!!!
OK!!! The Big Move!!! Thursday 26 July was my last day at Dr Pepper Museum. It was extremely sad and that's all I have to say about that.
Friday, went swimming one last time with Anita and then packed packed packed and then Sammy and I went to get the Budget truck for all my crap (and I had a lot of it too!!!). I took Sammy to lunch at Bush's Chicken and it was extremely good.
I don't remember actually what I did after that except pack pack pack and for a break I watched Pride and Prejudice. It was great. Ok, the next day I packed some more and waited for the guys to arrive which they did and started moving my junk. They were awesome. Got it done in about 1.5 hours with a lot of sweat! Thanks Mark, Lewis, Chris and Mr. Havens!!! Ya'll rock! Anita and Joy came after them and cleaned my apartment. It was amazing. I have such great friends. Thank you so much!!! THEN Ruth, Cliff and all their boys came to actually drive the truck and help me move into the apartment at Ardmore. Cliff actually got there before Ruth and I did and that's ok with me. I had a good time taking turns driving with the boys. :D
Well, I'll tell ya, I took two showers that day, one with my own sweat (that was involuntary) and the other right before I went to bed. Whew! What a day! Jason's mom was at the apartment too and that was great. We all cooled down for a bit in the pool with Cliff's sister and her husband and kids who live in Ardmore.
So the rest of the week was basically spent unpacking and organizing all while my Mom came for a visit to help unpack and set up my school room and reserve the wedding chapel!!!! JUNE 14th at 1pm. WRITE IT DOWN!!!
Saturday I went back to Waco (which was weird, by the way) for Lewis' and Heather's wedding. It was nice and I got to see some friends.
It was nice to sleep in a little on Sunday before starting the work week!!! Dad was in Dallas helping Alison's son move so he came up on Sunday and checked out the apartment and took Jason and I out to lunch. Thanks, Dad!!
TODAY was my first day of work and it was pretty good. One hour with all the administration and then time in my room getting all my resources together and then an In-Service about Special Education then more time in my room and asking the principal some questions. Hey!! We get our own laptops!!! Cool!!! I also met some of my students who are also cheerleaders, which I am sponsoring this year!!! Oh my goodness what have I gotten myself into!!! I don't know but I'm sure I will blog about it not this weekend but the next when I get a break! Pat will be in Fayetteville before he leaves for Iraq and Jason and I are going up to see him. :|
All right people, peace out and keep cool!!! Whew! It's hot!!! But, it could be worse!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Claudio & Star Wars!!!
Vans Warped Tour has like 30 bands that play short concerts. We wandered around the main area and couldn't find any information about C&C. What we didn't realize was that around the corner and in the back of the main venue were more stages and all the merch tents. Duh!!! Glad we asked somebody. It was a good thing C&C started at 2pm instead of the 1pm we thought. In the meantime we bought some merch, namely a T-Shirt. I wore it yesterday and already got a comment on it. Sweet.
It was really hot on Saturday and the area around the stage was level so, myself being shorter than the people there had a difficult time seeing Claudio unless I jumped up and down. I did get several good pictures by holding up my camera. Check it out!!!

Merch tent

Before the concert and before the sweat

Concert just beginning!

Travis on the left, Claudio with the hair
After sitting in the car calming down and cooling down, we drove over to Ft. Worth to the Science and History museum to see the Star Wars exhibit. It was awesome...
It had the costumes and models used in all six of the films...let's just say, I was in heaven. We were soooooo tired though. You'll just have to look at the photos:
Friday, July 06, 2007
Utterly speechless are the words that came out of my mouth when Jason drove down through the rain from Oklahoma to the museum to propose to me. I, of course, said yes and we will live happily ever after!
Here's how it went down:
Jason got to the museum and called for Mary Beth and she came down stairs (I was in another building). She saw he had flowers and asked him if he was there for the reason she thought and he said yup. Mary Beth ran upstairs and got the camera and ran into Joy and told her what was happening. So Mary Beth led Jason over to the other building where I was. She opened the door and I thought to myself, were we supposed to take pictures of something? MB had the camera around her neck. Then Jason came in behind her with this beautiful bouquet of flowers and according to some my eyes got as big as saucers. I kept on saying what are you doing here (clueless at this point). He said Happy Birthday! and gave me my flowers and I'm ogling them. They are beautiful. But I told him it wasn't my birthday and he got all upset because he drove all the way down to Waco on the wrong day!! I kept on telling him it was ok but he wouldn't hear of it. What he said was: "The only way I can say I'm sorry and mean it is on one knee." When he did that the light bulb came on and I realized what he was really going to do. Of course I turned red and started tearing up. He said: "You've depended on me and I've depended on you and I want us to depend on each other for the rest of our lives so that when we are old we can change each other's depends! Jessica Harris I love you and will you marry me?" This speech is very classic Jason. I said yes and we hugged and hugged and kissed and it was awesome! I did get a ring! Jason's class ring from high school, so I guess this means we're going steady for reals! He's working on getting the perfect ring. It was about 3:00 so I said I was going home and call everybody. We did and then went to dinner with Angie and Chris at the Olive Garden. It was great. Perfect ending to a day that actually started out pretty yucky. It's been raining pretty much off and on for about a month and impeding our work. But who cares now right?
We are looking at either December 2007 or June 2008 to get married but nothing is in stone. We will let you know as soon as we know!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Remember Your Freedom!!!
Since I am a movie buff, I thought I would recommend some movies to watch that are inspirational (to me anyways).
- 1776 (a musical but very very good)
- Glory
- We Were Soldiers
- The Patriot
- Saving Private Ryan
- Patton (One of my Dad's favorites)
- A Few Good Men
- The American President
- Black Hawk Down
- Hotel Rwanda (heavy heavy movie but all need to watch)
- Sands of Iwa Jima
- Tora Tora Tora
- Memphis Belle
Thanks to all those who have served and are serving your country, no matter where you are!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Times, They are a Changin'...
Memorial Day weekend:
I had a WONDERFUL weekend in McAlester, OK at Jason's parents and Jason, of course! It was very relaxing and I DID NOT want to leave. It's nice to have someone take care of you and grill for you everyday! I TRIED to help, but they are the kind of people that won't let you do that.
Then, honestly I don't remember even when I got the call but, Thackerville School District called me in for an interview for their social studies position at the High School. Awesome! I was very nervous but, once again Jason's family did an awesome thing for me. Ruth, Jason's sister, spent the night with me in Gainesville the day before the interview and just gave me some moral support while I was at the interview. It was very much needed AND I got to see TC for the first time (Jason's nephew)!
After feeling like I was going to throw up at the interview, I settled down and actually had a good time, especially after I saw the superintendent and principal in shorts and Hawaiian shirts!!! LOL! The interview lasted about two hours and I got a tour of the school and "my room." I also helped a couple of people with computer problems. Kudos to me.
The principal said I would hear from them at the beginning of the next week. Well I hadn't heard from him and hadn't heard from him until that Friday I believe. The superintendent called and asked me to interview with the school board. I said of course.
The second interview was not as scary as the first and we had homemade butter pecan ice cream. Not bad!
SO I have a job in OKLAHOMA!!! WHERE MY BOYFRIEND LIVES!!!! But it gets better. While my stomach was churning over and over about taking the Thackerville job, Jason and I were trying to get jobs in the same area. Jason interviewed at Sulphur, OK about 30 miles of Ardmore which is 30 miles north of Thackerville. Well, Jason got the job in Sulphur and I got the job in Thackerville and now we can live in the SAME city. Yippeee!!! Ardmore will be the location and we have found a very very nice apartment complex. Really nice. I'm looking forward to living there.
SO that means I will be leaving for OK on the 28th of July.
Then I freaked out a little when I found out that school starts on August 9th. AUGUST 9th PEOPLE!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! So I immediately went to to the education supply store and refrained from buying anything but looked intently at it all. I love supplies.
This past weekend:
Friday I went to Thackerville to pick up some paperwork, insurance, school calendar, employee handbook, and old school books, just to get an idea of what I would work with. Cool. Then I met Jason in Ardmore and looked at the apartments. Nice. Then went up to OKC to take my last OSAT test for certification (cross your fingers). Overall the test went well. I was relaxed and rested. As always, though, the essay sucked. I hate essays.
Well now that changes are coming my way, I will point out that they are exciting and scary at the same time. Exciting because it will be different and I will get to see my sweetie everyday, but scary because it will be different and something I've never done before. I've never been in such a serious relationship before. I have learned a lot about myself. Some good and some bad. But I have learned that having someone you can talk about anything to without the fear of rejection and feel safe doing it is a wonderful feeling. Dealing with conflict is very hard for me. I let it build up and when I release it, it can hurt people. I do not like to hurt people. I want everyone to be happy. In no way am I an expert in managing conflict, as some of you may know, but I'm trying and like I've said before, it's a life long process.
Some people forget that and want life to be easy. We all do, but we forget that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness takes work.
Let's work at it people....don't give up! I'm not!!!
PS: Mary Beth and I got tickets to the VansWarped tour in Dallas! Coheed & Cambria will be there!!! AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Rood dood dood dood doooo, Big Tuna!
Well I haven't written in a very long time. I've been very very busy. Wow, May 8th was the last time I wrote! Well let's see, the major thing is that I was in a wedding last Saturday. For anybody who has been in a wedding who is a girl, you know that it can be stressful and a lot of work. I think I'm still recovering! However, the whole experience has taught me what to do and what not to do when I get married. Anybody who knows me will know that I will have a list for everyone involved and the list might be laminated. I'm just saying... :D The one thing I wanted to comment on specifically was about women in general. There were two occasions where I received a manicure and pedicure for the big event. I love getting pampered just because I rarely do it. I'm not a huge talker but I can carry on a conversation, but what I really love to do is listen. I loved listening to the women around me talking and gossiping together. Yes, gossiping... We all do it (yes guys do it too, you can't deny it!!!) but girls are professionals at it. However, when I was listening to the women around me I felt a sense of comraderee even though I didn't know them. It was nice, I felt a part of something and I felt like this was part of what being a girl was all about. Not gossiping, mind you, but talking and sharing experiences. The way men and women communicate with each other is totally different and it's hard to learn sometimes. I will admit that I don't understand sometimes why girls are the way we are and why guys are the way they are. God had something in mind, I'm sure. I guess, if I think about it, so we can say... "what are they thinking?" ...and for the guys... "I will never understand women!!" Maybe we aren't meant to!!???!!!
On being maid of honor for your friend...OMG! It's a lot of work! I was totally drained Saturday evening!!! and took a very long nap on Sunday. I have never run around so much BUT I must say I was glad to do it because it was beautiful and wonderful and exciting to see two people in love commit their lives to one another for the rest of their lives.
Also, I loved getting my hair done. That was really nice and actually very relaxing. HOWEVER!!! I had someone do my makeup and that was fine and I think I looked ok, but I usually don't wear a lot of makeup. Mascara and lipstick. Well it was the whole works on this gal and I literally didn't recognize myself. I will say this. I had a lot of compliments on my appearance and I felt beautiful because of it.

Jess & Angie
Also, just because I've been surrounded by people getting married, an observation is that guys don't seem to participate in the wedding planning (but I know one who is very much a part of it) and that's fine but remember guys, it's your day too, but you can't complain about it if you don't get involved!! Anyway, Lewis asked me why the wedding is such a big deal to us (girls) so I thought about it.
- We get to be a princess for a day
- We get to declare our love for our prince publically
- We like dressing up
- We like to party
- We love details
- We get presents
- From an unconscious and sociological standpoint, we can prove (or disprove) how, we as future wives, are organized and detailed and how we can pull off something as important as a wedding.
- Yeah, we know the ceremony lasts 20-30 minutes...who cares?
- I'm sure there are other unconscious reasons we like it but because they are unconscious, I can't think of them right now.
Work related. WE ARE FINALLY MOVING STUFF!!! We have been waiting patiently and yesterday was the first day we got actually move collection items from one building to the other. It was emotionally magnificent. We've got a lot more to do but we are excited about it because, as collections people, we get to organize stuff. We are professionals at it and we love to organize!
I'm tired and my feet hurt but it feels good. I've been productive!!!
On another note...I also pulled a klutz moment this morning. It rained last night and this morning I slipped and fell straight down on my knees. Wow, that really smarted!!! In return I received a very nice knot on my right knew, which looked like a very large abnormal grape. It's better and the swelling has gone down a bit.
OH!!!! I can't believe I forgot to tell you this!!! I received my test scores from the last two OSAT tests I took in April. I PASSED!!!! I found out Friday and was soooooo happy. I can't tell you how happy I was. I seriously thought I was going to fail the US History/OK History/Government/Economics test. It turned out that I scored highest on the government part...ugh! Not my favorite subject, however, while I was studying everything, it was like studying something new and really really interesting. I've always have had a passion for history but you know, when you are a kid, who cares!!! Now that I've "lived" a little, history is much more interesting... ANYWAY!! I just have one more test and I can get my teaching license in OK. I've applied for several positions...and will be applying for several more. Pray that I will get the right one!!!
Ok that's it for fingers are tired!! One more picture of Angie & Chris at the reception!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
"War. What is it good for, absolutely nothing...good god ya'll."
Well, anyone who knows history should know that war is inevitable. War is bad and war is good. Your life would be different if there was no war. Think about it. A lot of our technology has been derived from war because someone is thinking of new ways to kill people. I'm serious!
My brothers are in the Army Reserves. Drew has been to Iraq and back. Patrick was called up to go last Wednesday and he leaves for training this Thursday. I went home this past weekend for a visit because we don't know if we will get to see him before he actually goes over. It was a good visit. We did normal brother/sister stuff that Pat and Jessica do. Bond over movies and books and music. Goofy pictures are on the way.
When Drew left for Iraq I was depressed and had nightmares. I got to go to his farewell ceremony and that was pretty awful but I was very proud too. I'm very proud of Patrick too. They both signed up for the army, and even though it's been a hugely crappy deal, they are doing their jobs.
I respect anyone who has gone to war or has served in the military. Men have a mental capacity that I can't comprehend. I can't really speak for all women and their mental capacity but I can speak for myself in this respect. I don't know that I would be able to be in the military and fight for my life or for another's. My hope would be yes, I would do this for another. My mental capacity includes a lot of emotional drama with some logic and reason in there somewhere like salt and pepper...just for flavor.
What it boils down to is this. My concern is above all else my brother's safety. But I am concerned for his mental/emotional health. I will never know what all Drew has gone through but I know some of it and it is hard. I think he has become a better man because of it. At first I didn't want Pat to have to suffer what Drew has suffered but then I realized that everyone must go through some type of pain and suffering; some just go through more than others. This is what shapes us. If we never suffered, think of what life would be like. Purposeless, shallow and boring. We would never know what joy is. When it comes to suffering there are two options: give up or work through it. My prayer is that John Patrick Harris will work through whatever he faces in the year to come, learn from it and become a better man (or little brother, whichever the case may be).
Didn't say it would be never will be.
Pat is in the 603rd Military Police Unit.
That's all the time I have for now.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Holy's been awhile...
So where should I start:
TAM = Texas Association of Museums was Tuesday, April 17th - 20th. This is an association of museums, obviously, in Texas that meet every year. We go to seminars specifically for our department. I went to collections and exhibitions seminars. It was a pretty good TAM. It's almost like going on vacation (this year it was in Austin). The beds were comfy and I got to actually sleep and eat some good food (not in bed, though). Straight from Austin I dropped off Brian at the DP Museum on Friday and headed up to Oklahoma City. That weekend was the weekend of test 3 and 4 for teaching certification. We'll see how I did on May 18th. Cross your fingers!!!
I did in fact have a really good time in OKC despite the tests that wipe me out mentally. Jeff Gordon won his race, so that was fun. And, let me just say, that I will be doing a little jig and singing the Hallelujah chorus when I don't have to drive all over the place. I'm looking forward to stickin' in one spot and give my lil car a rest!!!
The next week is sorta blurry. We are chomping at the bit to start moving stuff to the new building but delays have hung us up so we are sorta just twiddling our thumbs. I'm really anxious to drive the forklift. (mwwwhhhhaaa haaa haaa HA!) We have actually been doing stuff like putting together our new desks (physical labor!!) Mary Beth and I rock at putting together stuff. We also did a video blog for the museum, our own personal blog and a podcast for the museum. We have been busy doing techie stuff. We love it.
This past weekend was awesome. I've been looking forward to it for a LONG time. Angie and I scheduled a little relaxation time at the spa and had our feet done and nails done and then a lovely massage. We should have done the hour though. 30 minutes is too short! This was sort of a pre stress reliever for her before the wedding (3 weeks to go!!) and this was a stress reliever for me. We had a nice lunch and then went to Hobby Lobby to make her bouquet for her bridal portraits which are this weekend. I also went for a walk because it was a beautiful if not hot day. 50 minutes outside around a track with my tunes. It was a good walk. Later that evening the girls from work met at the Rib Crib for a semi-formal farewell to co-worker Carrie who is graduating from Baylor and then moving to Florida for this awesome job. :(
I went to pick up some movies at Hastings which I haven't done in several months. This is what I got:
Blood Diamond - VERY GOOD!!! Recommend it to everyone.
For Your Consideration - It was ok. Another mockumentary by Christopher Guest and company. It was late when I watched it. It may be better than I think.
The Good Shepard - interesting, a little confusing and very depressing. I don't know if I would recommend it or not.
Sunday I went to church and then watched The Good Shepard and then watched the end of the NASCAR race. Very intense!!! But Jeff Gordon won again!!!! Woot Woot!!
Friday, April 27, 2007
2nd Video Blog
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Dwight's Speech
Yesterday and today has been fairly crappy. So I needed to watch something funny at lunch today. Something that makes me laugh and therefore makes me feel better is the epsiode of The Office called Dwight's Speech. Dwight is awarded Dunder-Mifflin Salesman of the Year and must make a speech at a big convention. This is his speech. (Must be read in an angry voice and look insane).
(Slam, slam, slam!) "Blood alone moves the wheels of history! Have you ever asked yourselves in an hour of meditation which everyone finds during the day, how long we've been striving for greatness? (Slam!) Not only the years we've been at war, the war of work. But from the moment as a child when we realize that the world can be conquered. It has been a life time struggle (Slam!), a never ending fight, I say to you (Slam!), and you will understand that it is a privilege to fight (light applause)! We are warriors (moderate applause)!! Salesmen of north-eastern Pennsylvania I ask you, once more rise and be worthy of this historical hour!"
Dwight laughs maniacally with the now roaring applause from the audience as Michael gets up from his seat in the audience and begins to walk out of the auditorium. It is not clear if Dwight is laughing at Michael or if he is just caught in the moment.
"No revolution is worth anything unless it can defend (Slam!) itself (applause)!"
The following scenes show Michael walking through the hallways of the hotel, Creed changing the office thermostat (which Oscar notices), Dwight speaking with dictator-like hand and arm movements emphasizing his words, and Michael having a second drink at the hotel bar, all while we hear Dwight's speech.
"Some people will tell you "salesman" is a bad word, they'll conjure up images of used car dealers and door-to-door charlatans. This is our duty to change their perception. I say, salesmen, and women, of the world, unite. (random, misplaced applause)! We must never acquiesce, for it is together, together (with the audience) that we prevail! We must never cede control of the motherland for it is (with the audience again) together that we prevail!!"
Dwight holds his award up to the roaring applause from the audience and slams his fist on the podium six times.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Ode to Coheed & Cambria
Monday, April 02, 2007
Whirlwind of a week/end
Yeah, I'm blogging during work. Whatcha gonna do!
Ok so last time I blogged it was serious. It won't be so serious today. I'll sorta recap the weekend with my Mom, which was last weekend (not this past weekend). We had an excellent time and relaxed and partied (as much as you can party with your mom). Basically I picked her up from the DFW airport and spent the night at a nice hotel and had some good food at the Melting Pot and the next day went to the Dallas Arboretum. Beautiful flowers!!! Stopped off at Hillsboro outlet stores and Mom picked up a few things and I picked up a few things. We sorta just vegged and watched movies and exercised and had a wonderful time until it was time for her to go. My Mom picked an 8:30am departure from DFW on a Tuesday so I said we were going to have to leave around 5am to make it. She said are you sure? I said, well maybe 5:30am WRONG!!! Due to a wreck and morning traffic she missed her flight. I got her there around 8am but apparently wasn't there early enough to check her in with luggage and board the plane. She did get the next flight out at noon. She said next time she'll fly into Waco. I concur.
The week went by slowly BUT I got a new phone and new carrier. Motorola RAZR V3xx and on Cingular. All my family is on Cingular and it just made sense. (Mom upgraded her phone too while we were there, so for about three hours on the couch, we were playing with our phones).
I was instructed not to call my sweetie that whole week because he was working round the clock on finishing his National Board Certification for Teachers. It drove me a little crazy but a few txt messages and emails were exchanged. So now the really exciting part of this past weekend:

Everyone stayed at the museum until about 6pm and needless to say I did NOT travel that night. Instead, I stayed home and went to see Blades of Glory with MB and David. It was just what I needed = laughing very hard.
The next morning around 7:15 I headed to OKC. I was about 10-15 miles south of the Oklahoma/Texas border when I saw two cars in front of me try to avoid a 4x4 in the middle of the interstate. I tried to avoid it too, but managed to run over it. I was a little pumped due to the adreneline but I managed to keep a straight head on and exited the next exit to check the damage. As I opened the door I heard the hissing of a leaking tire. Yup, the tire was completely flat and the rim was bent. Gulp! Almost on the verge of tears I drove/hobbled over to the Shell station and parked in back. Lo and behold I spied across the street a tire shop! Saved!! When I got over there I found that it was closed due to a death in the family. Open on Monday. Great. I walk into the gas station and ask if there is a tire shop near by and she said there was one just up the street. McRenoylds Tire Shop. Good! But I couldn't drive up there with a flat tire so I asked a construction worker to help me change the tire who was working conveniently at the Shell gas station where I parked. He changed it and I was on my way! Thank you!!! I drove up to the tire shop not 150 yards to where I had exited. It was a little scary though. Sorta like Deliverance. Mr. McRenoylds had on overalls and a scruffy long beard and red cap. However, he was a peach and fixed my rim in no time and there was actually nothing wrong with the tire. He charged me $10 and I almost hugged him. I'm very fortunate...all this could have turned out much worse. Thank you, Lord for taking care of me!!
I finally got to Jason's and the order of the day was sleep so that's basically what we did. Slept, ate and slept again for a very long time. He needed it and so did I.
So that was my whirlwind weekend. How was yours?
Monday, March 26, 2007
Who am I? Who are you?
I think God gives us what He knows we can handle, but the confidence in ourselves is so lacking we do nothing.
Mom and I went to see the movie Amazing Grace. It was wonderful. I thought it was about the guy who wrote the song but it was actually about William Wilberforce of Britain who fought to pass a bill to abolish the slave trade. He struggled through many years of defeat, a war and sickness but finally it happened. How did he keep on going? I don't know. Through the grace of God, no doubt. I recommend the movie to everyone. It was really inspiring.
Another awesome thing yesterday. I heard something at church yesterday that really opened my eyes. We sometimes feel we need to prove ourselves to others. This is an indication that we lack an identity or confidence in who we are/who I am. I can think of numerous times when I go out of my way to "prove" to someone what I am capable of either physically or mentally. I don't do it overtly but subtly, when I think they may be watching. Wow, what a way to live. It can be pretty tiresome.
What do I need to prove? I'm not sure. Nothing! I should know who I am! I DO know who I am! I really do know who I am but sometimes I forget and get insecure... It happens. I think it happens to all of us at one time or another.
You may laugh but write out your mission statement! It describes who you are and your purpose in life. Only a couple of sentences so you can remember it. Museums are very good at this. At least some anyways. Mission statements help you focus.
Random life quote from my director at the museum:
"Don't sweat the petty stuff, and don't pet the sweaty stuff."
Don't forget to smile today. :D
Friday, March 16, 2007
SPRING BREAK IS CRAZY and Prayer Request!!!!
Pretty cool huh! Oh yeah and we made a Blooper Reel too!
We think it's funny...
We did that and then got ready for that Saturday which was the SWAP meet. People buying and trading and selling DP memorabilia. The Collections Department sold stuff too out of consignment. The money goes back to the department for conservation and preservation of the artifacts. BUT before Saturday rolled around a bunch of us went to see the movie 300, which was AWESOME!!!! I really want to see it again, too. Oh and by the way, did I mention I passed my first two tests to get my teacher certification? Yeah, I did and now I'm studying for the next two tests.
So Saturday in the midst of the SWAP meet I did a huge amount of errands including getting an oil change after I was SUPPOSED to get one in January. Whoops!!! Mary Beth and I met for dinner Sat. evening and then went and saw Happy Feet at the dollar theater. It was cute but not really for kids! LOL!
Sunday I basically went to church, slept, watched a little bit of NASCAR, went to Lewis' for Home Group and then went home and slept. I was soooo tired.
OMGoodness!!!! March brings Spring Breakers. This means the museum is crazy. You know, like a trillion people in the museum and people throwing up and stuff like that. We like it when we have visitors but GOODNESS they are loud! I shouldn't complain too much. We are having the best days we have ever had at the museum. It's incredible! Today was probably the craziest day since MB and I were picking up 20 pallets for our move which had to be done in two trips which took up most of the morning (and I got an owie on my knuckle. OUCH!) We ran to eat lunch before the taste testing and then did the taste test. We tested 80 people in one hour. Wow! THEN we went to Office Max to pick up our desks for the new offices. They weighed a ton. By this time it's almost 4pm and Jennie tells me that my Southernliving at Home stuff is here in five HUMONGOUS boxes. I'm so excited 1.5 of those boxes is mine. ALL MINE!! It's exciting. I don't normally get a lot of stuff from these kind of deals. So now I'm about to go home and decorate my apartment with all my cool stuff and maybe soak in the tub and watch Season 7 of Buffy. Yay for the weekend!
Mandy emailed me about Alex and Emma (my nieces). They both have some developmental issues both physically and mentally. Alex has been diagnosed with Larson's Syndrome but recent tests have suggested it could actually be a metabolic disorder. Please pray for them as they decide what to do. They've been dealing with this for over four years and I would like to see a true diagnosis so they can deal with everything properly. Here's Mandy's email. It gives some more details:
Please add them to your prayer list. I appreciate it and so do they.
I'll talk atch ya'll later!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Foggy Daze
Oh goodness...I feel like I'm in a daze right now. I got plenty of sleep and swam for a bit today but just can't get going for some reason!!! Ugh!
Comense with the caffeine!
Ok, so last weekend was wonderful. Jason came down for a visit and it was great. Did a lot of errands and went to see the movie Wild Hogs which I thought was very funny. Later that evening we went out to dinner with a couple of friends and had a real good time. Sunday came too fast and Jason had to hop skip and jump back to OKC. By that afternoon I was feeling pretty lousy because 1) my sweetie had to leave and 2) I wasn't feeling very good.
The sickness got worse with a scratchy throat and congestion and I could tell I was not going to be in the mood to get up early for work. So I txted MB to tell her I was going to be late. I stayed up late Sunday night writing invitations to Angie's bridal shower. Oh man, my fingers ached!! I watched Quigley Down Under to give me something to listen to. I love that movie. I also printed out envelopes on the computer which went by very fast and then drugged myself and went to bed at 12:30.
The next morning was not so good. I couldn't breath at all!! Um, yeah, I didn't go to work. However, I really didn't stay home to rest either. I ran around town for a little bit to do some shower stuff and felt better. I think it was stressing me out and I didn't realize it. I'm not a great delegator and tend to try to do everything on my own. But thankfully I passed on some of the responsibility of the shower to three other ladies. Thank you!!! My eye stopped twitching. I can tell I'm stressed when my left eyelid starts to involuntarily twitch. It's wierd but a good indicator.
I also rented the movie Babel and it was good. Then I had a PEO officer's meeting at 4:30 and got that over with and since I was out again I called Angie to get her professional opinion about a dress I had spied. I don't have many dresses. I'm not sure why but I usually wear pants. But recently I have felt like dressing up or just needed a change. I looked at my clothes and realized that most of what I own I've owned for two years or more. I need a clothes overhaul!! This leads me to a thought that has been rumbling in my head for the past several days. It's very shallow but still could be thought provoking to some: Why do women love shoes? I love them! They're so cute. Do I have a lot of shoes? Compared to who? I think I'm probably average. Most of them are practical but a few are dressy. I still don't know why I like them. It could become a nasty addiction but thankfully I don't have a lot of money. But that never stopped Carrie from Sex and the City from buying a $400 pair of shoes. Yikes!! Anywho...if anyone can enlighten me on my question, please let me know.

I better get back to work...the annual Dr Pepper Collector's Convention is upon us and the museum has to get ready for it!! AAAHHHH!!! Let the madness begin!
"Later," she says, while blowing her nose.