Last week was Jason's homecoming for high school. Monday was geek/nerd day and when I asked him why he wasn't dressing up, he replied, "because I'm a geek every day!" True...he is a math teacher... However, he did dress up Thursday for Rock Star Day and this is what he looked like:
So that was the funny of the blog. Now on a more serious note...
Why do people live off of drama? What is it that makes us stop in our tracks and watch a car wreck or unrealistic soap operas? Sometimes I have to deal with a little drama that seems senseless to me. I am the cheerleading sponsor for Thackerville High School and on occasion the girls can't seem to focus because of the latest boyfriend break up or argument with each other. As my Mema used to say, "Why can't everybody just do what they're supposed to do?" However, even she wasn't immune. She loved watching the Muarry Povitch Show. But I do enjoy the cheerleaders, they sometimes make me feel old, but usually make me feel younger than I am...they make me laugh too!

The THS Cheerleaders!
I should mention that because I'm "in charge" of the cheerleaders, I'm also in charge of Homecoming. Yeah, that's right. Homecoming! We had the coronation and everything and I was the one who got to announce who the queen was. Way big deal! It was fun but highly stressful.
What else.
I got a call from my Mom last Thursday that my great uncle, Clyde Hogan, had passed away. He was my Mema's brother who lived in the same city as Mema and Papa. So we had a lot of interaction with him and Aunt Di. He lived to be 92 and was still very enthusiastic about life. Even after he had part of his leg amputated due to an infection. He was looking forward to getting his prosthesis. His attitude was what stands out to me. Always smiling and very very smart. He was funny too. Uncle Clyde told me a lot of stories about him growing up in Conway, AR and also OK during the depression with his other two brothers and my Mema. One in particular was when he was working out in a yard for someone and grew to be very tan. He got so dark that several people wouldn't have anything to do with him because they thought he was black. I'm not sure what his reaction was but I do know he believed in equality and fairness and was a humble person. He did a lot in his life and most of it was for other people. The funeral home did an awesome slide show of Uncle Clyde too.
Click here to read his obituary and watch his slide show. Even though you may not have met him, you can tell from his obit that he was an outstanding man!
I went to the graveside service in Conway yesterday. It was a long trip to and back again but worth it. It is good to see family even when it is for celebrating someone's passing. I suggest you read my sister-in-law's blog about Death and Dying and family. Very good insight. Check it out here.
The last thing I'll talk about is what I got when I got back home from the funeral. Jason's mom was in town and they both went shopping in OKC yesterday. When I got home Jason asked me to bring him what was under his hat in the kitchen. It was my wedding ring. Aaaaahhhhh!! and it wasn't the one that we looked at earlier! It was even better! It's white gold and a princess cut solitaire. He also bought an enhancer to go on the sides. *sigh* Here's a picture:


In its box.
He did a good job, didn't he!!!
What else.
I got a call from my Mom last Thursday that my great uncle, Clyde Hogan, had passed away. He was my Mema's brother who lived in the same city as Mema and Papa. So we had a lot of interaction with him and Aunt Di. He lived to be 92 and was still very enthusiastic about life. Even after he had part of his leg amputated due to an infection. He was looking forward to getting his prosthesis. His attitude was what stands out to me. Always smiling and very very smart. He was funny too. Uncle Clyde told me a lot of stories about him growing up in Conway, AR and also OK during the depression with his other two brothers and my Mema. One in particular was when he was working out in a yard for someone and grew to be very tan. He got so dark that several people wouldn't have anything to do with him because they thought he was black. I'm not sure what his reaction was but I do know he believed in equality and fairness and was a humble person. He did a lot in his life and most of it was for other people. The funeral home did an awesome slide show of Uncle Clyde too.
Click here to read his obituary and watch his slide show. Even though you may not have met him, you can tell from his obit that he was an outstanding man!
I went to the graveside service in Conway yesterday. It was a long trip to and back again but worth it. It is good to see family even when it is for celebrating someone's passing. I suggest you read my sister-in-law's blog about Death and Dying and family. Very good insight. Check it out here.
The last thing I'll talk about is what I got when I got back home from the funeral. Jason's mom was in town and they both went shopping in OKC yesterday. When I got home Jason asked me to bring him what was under his hat in the kitchen. It was my wedding ring. Aaaaahhhhh!! and it wasn't the one that we looked at earlier! It was even better! It's white gold and a princess cut solitaire. He also bought an enhancer to go on the sides. *sigh* Here's a picture:


In its box.
He did a good job, didn't he!!!
Last thing:
Please keep my Aunt Becky in your prayers. This is the daughter of Uncle Clyde. She lost her sister several years ago to a pretty terrible battle with cancer. And also their mother passed away several years ago too. Aunt Becky is the only one left of that part of the branch so she's feeling a little lonely. I would also have you pray for my mom who is still dealing with some health issues including a sore hip from a fall a couple of weeks ago. Keep Patrick in your prayers too while he is in Iraq!!!
Next blog will be about the meeting of Jason and my families in a couple of weeks. This should be a good time!!!
Later taters....gots to grade papers!!!
Please keep my Aunt Becky in your prayers. This is the daughter of Uncle Clyde. She lost her sister several years ago to a pretty terrible battle with cancer. And also their mother passed away several years ago too. Aunt Becky is the only one left of that part of the branch so she's feeling a little lonely. I would also have you pray for my mom who is still dealing with some health issues including a sore hip from a fall a couple of weeks ago. Keep Patrick in your prayers too while he is in Iraq!!!
Next blog will be about the meeting of Jason and my families in a couple of weeks. This should be a good time!!!
Later taters....gots to grade papers!!!
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