Yeah, I'm blogging during work. Whatcha gonna do!
Ok so last time I blogged it was serious. It won't be so serious today. I'll sorta recap the weekend with my Mom, which was last weekend (not this past weekend). We had an excellent time and relaxed and partied (as much as you can party with your mom). Basically I picked her up from the DFW airport and spent the night at a nice hotel and had some good food at the Melting Pot and the next day went to the Dallas Arboretum. Beautiful flowers!!! Stopped off at Hillsboro outlet stores and Mom picked up a few things and I picked up a few things. We sorta just vegged and watched movies and exercised and had a wonderful time until it was time for her to go. My Mom picked an 8:30am departure from DFW on a Tuesday so I said we were going to have to leave around 5am to make it. She said are you sure? I said, well maybe 5:30am WRONG!!! Due to a wreck and morning traffic she missed her flight. I got her there around 8am but apparently wasn't there early enough to check her in with luggage and board the plane. She did get the next flight out at noon. She said next time she'll fly into Waco. I concur.
The week went by slowly BUT I got a new phone and new carrier. Motorola RAZR V3xx and on Cingular. All my family is on Cingular and it just made sense. (Mom upgraded her phone too while we were there, so for about three hours on the couch, we were playing with our phones).
I was instructed not to call my sweetie that whole week because he was working round the clock on finishing his National Board Certification for Teachers. It drove me a little crazy but a few txt messages and emails were exchanged. So now the really exciting part of this past weekend:

Everyone stayed at the museum until about 6pm and needless to say I did NOT travel that night. Instead, I stayed home and went to see Blades of Glory with MB and David. It was just what I needed = laughing very hard.
The next morning around 7:15 I headed to OKC. I was about 10-15 miles south of the Oklahoma/Texas border when I saw two cars in front of me try to avoid a 4x4 in the middle of the interstate. I tried to avoid it too, but managed to run over it. I was a little pumped due to the adreneline but I managed to keep a straight head on and exited the next exit to check the damage. As I opened the door I heard the hissing of a leaking tire. Yup, the tire was completely flat and the rim was bent. Gulp! Almost on the verge of tears I drove/hobbled over to the Shell station and parked in back. Lo and behold I spied across the street a tire shop! Saved!! When I got over there I found that it was closed due to a death in the family. Open on Monday. Great. I walk into the gas station and ask if there is a tire shop near by and she said there was one just up the street. McRenoylds Tire Shop. Good! But I couldn't drive up there with a flat tire so I asked a construction worker to help me change the tire who was working conveniently at the Shell gas station where I parked. He changed it and I was on my way! Thank you!!! I drove up to the tire shop not 150 yards to where I had exited. It was a little scary though. Sorta like Deliverance. Mr. McRenoylds had on overalls and a scruffy long beard and red cap. However, he was a peach and fixed my rim in no time and there was actually nothing wrong with the tire. He charged me $10 and I almost hugged him. I'm very fortunate...all this could have turned out much worse. Thank you, Lord for taking care of me!!
I finally got to Jason's and the order of the day was sleep so that's basically what we did. Slept, ate and slept again for a very long time. He needed it and so did I.
So that was my whirlwind weekend. How was yours?
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