Saturday, May 03, 2008

Ticked and ticking down the days...

First of all I'm ticking off the days until school is over and then the weeks and days until the wedding... I'm very excited. I went to bed early tonight but woke up about an hour later and couldn't get back to sleep so I decided to listen to some music and look at my bridal portrait pictures. I've decided that I am pretty and sometimes even beautiful!! Thanks to Jennifer who took my pictures. You will have to either email me to get the link or wait until after the wedding because I don't want Jason to see me in the dress!!! :D

Anyway, the reason I'm ticked or I guess offended or bothered by the fact I had a student call me hateful. Not to my face mind you, but rather I heard it from her mom this afternoon. Great way to start off the weekend. Without going into too much detail I will just say that I had a student who, in my point of view, did not make the effort to find out when cheerleading tryouts were and came to me this afternoon and asked if she could tryout. Today was the day of tryouts!! I told her no. I didn't see any effort or responsibility on her part to find out the information. Especially when I had given her all the information the day after the announced informational meeting which she missed due to another school activity. It's not a problem if someone is going to miss something for another school related activity but one should make arrangements ahead of time and not the day after. Then she tells me this afternoon that she didn't have time to read the information (in the two week period she had it). So that took all of 60 seconds to tell her no and for her to storm out of my classroom. It was another thing to have her mother come (in the middle of tryouts) and have very strong words to say to me in front of all the other candidates and accuse me of intentionally trying to keep her daughter from trying to tryout... Ok, so I went into more detail than I said, but I could write more, but I won't. I ended up "solving the problem" by putting it back into the hands of the student. If she wants to tryout, she's going to have to come to me and ask. We'll see what happens next week.

In my other life....Mary Beth called me from Denver on Thursday to tell me a funny incident that occurred at the annual American Association of Museums conference. This is a national conference , by the way, that thousands of people go to. Ok, so she tells me she attends a session about technology and museums. This is what both of us did while I was at the Dr Pepper Museum. Remember the video blogs? Ok, now the people who chaired and presented at this session were some major players in the museum field. One from the Cleveland Museum of Art, a lady from the Weatherhead Experience Design Group, Inc., Seattle, WA and a gentleman who is the Head of Administration from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles, CA. Yes, well to make a long story short, we made it into the session. Yes, they showed our first ever video blog we created for the museum and the blooper reel from the movie we made for the 10-2-4 Dr Pepper Collectors Convention. I laughed so hard, Jason came rushing in the office because he thought something was wrong. Yes, folks Mary Beth and I have made it to the big time. We are ready to sign autographs and any acting contracts that I know will come our way. Yeah, right.....LOL!!! Mary Beth thought she should say something so she stood up and introduced herself and everybody loved it. She said the chairperson saw Mary Beth walk in to the session and almost fell out of her seat. She had no idea MB would be there. I would have given money to have been there!!!! Oh My! THAT made my Thursday.

So this weekend will be wonderful, if I can get to sleep that is...I don't have to be anywhere or go do anything. All I need to do is rest and grade some papers. Yup. That's it. And that's all I'm going to do. Well, let's try working on this sleep thing. I will talk with you later!!!

Later Taters,

PS: Don't be hatin' because you haven't been the star of a museum conference session... ;)


Anonymous said...

I thought you were beautiful in almost all the pictures

The Harris Family said...

Send me the link to your pictures, I'd love to see!