Sunday, March 16, 2008

Impatience and Grandma

Howdy people! It's been a month and I thought I would just write. Well, let me random order. I bought Jason's ring last weekend. We also went to the OKC Auto Show. That was fun. And we also signed him up for his tux and the rest of the guys' tux. I've scheduled bridal portrait pictures in May. My dress is supposed to come tomorrow. I have my veil and headpiece. Invitations are done, just need to address the envelopes. Need to do a few more things such as thank you cards and stamps....BUT I'm on Spring Break and there will be time to do a few things.... YAY!

I am an impatient person, I have discovered. I guess I really didn't "discover" it, but may have just forgot about it. I, like many people, like to have things perfect. Perfect in the house, perfect in my life with Jason, but sometimes I forget that there are other people involved in my "perfect" life and they may not be at the same place I am and I get frustrated when they aren't!!! I need to remember I have to be patient for them to catch up or me to slow down or vice versa. That's probably the hardest part of being in a relationship, so far. But on the other hand I see people, namely Jason, being patient with me. :D As far as I am concerned he's been so patient with me, it's a wonder that he hasn't gone crazy yet!!! Either he has and hides it well or his pressure cooker takes a longer time to boil. Anyway, the point is that he is the best and willing to work with me, even if I think I'm the only one "working" on life issues. Men and women work differently. Whereas women are multi-taskers, in general, men tend to concentrate on one thing at a time. I read that somewhere. So, maybe none of this makes sense or even relative to you, but it does to me and therefore therapeutic to write.

Other things: My grandmother is doing poorly. She was put under hospice last week. She just doesn't want to eat or take her medicine anymore. She sleeps all the time, has no energy. Very unlike the grandma I used to know. But she's still my grandma and I feel guilty sometimes when I don't think of her the same way. I've been writing a poem about her and I'm not sure it's done yet but here it is. Disclaimer: She hasn't passed on yet.


What can I say about her?
She was simply the best
Joyful and laughing
She now is at rest

One of my favorite things
was her carefree view
and zest for life
and her famous "whoo hoo!"

Art and books she loved to partake
Her pottery she didn't want us to break
Her poetry is truly inspiring
and takes me spiraling!

Grandma was, like all Grandmas, soft to touch
but when you did wrong, watch out
you might give a shout
when she took you to Yardstick City!

Grandma was full of energy
and created a lot of synergy
to do all the things she did
for me and her family.

The main thing I learned from her
and that you can be sure
is just to be yourself,
to laugh and play
to make a better day
for one another.

I will miss her.

1 comment:

The Harris Family said...

I can relate you your relationship revelation. It is so true, and sometimes difficult. I'm glad you have someone willing to work with you and let you go crazy or even melt down sometimes. I saw that hobby lobby had some wedding stuff on sale this week, didn't know if you were still needed random things that they may have. FYI. Hope to see you soon. love you