So where should I start:
TAM = Texas Association of Museums was Tuesday, April 17th - 20th. This is an association of museums, obviously, in Texas that meet every year. We go to seminars specifically for our department. I went to collections and exhibitions seminars. It was a pretty good TAM. It's almost like going on vacation (this year it was in Austin). The beds were comfy and I got to actually sleep and eat some good food (not in bed, though). Straight from Austin I dropped off Brian at the DP Museum on Friday and headed up to Oklahoma City. That weekend was the weekend of test 3 and 4 for teaching certification. We'll see how I did on May 18th. Cross your fingers!!!
I did in fact have a really good time in OKC despite the tests that wipe me out mentally. Jeff Gordon won his race, so that was fun. And, let me just say, that I will be doing a little jig and singing the Hallelujah chorus when I don't have to drive all over the place. I'm looking forward to stickin' in one spot and give my lil car a rest!!!
The next week is sorta blurry. We are chomping at the bit to start moving stuff to the new building but delays have hung us up so we are sorta just twiddling our thumbs. I'm really anxious to drive the forklift. (mwwwhhhhaaa haaa haaa HA!) We have actually been doing stuff like putting together our new desks (physical labor!!) Mary Beth and I rock at putting together stuff. We also did a video blog for the museum, our own personal blog and a podcast for the museum. We have been busy doing techie stuff. We love it.
This past weekend was awesome. I've been looking forward to it for a LONG time. Angie and I scheduled a little relaxation time at the spa and had our feet done and nails done and then a lovely massage. We should have done the hour though. 30 minutes is too short! This was sort of a pre stress reliever for her before the wedding (3 weeks to go!!) and this was a stress reliever for me. We had a nice lunch and then went to Hobby Lobby to make her bouquet for her bridal portraits which are this weekend. I also went for a walk because it was a beautiful if not hot day. 50 minutes outside around a track with my tunes. It was a good walk. Later that evening the girls from work met at the Rib Crib for a semi-formal farewell to co-worker Carrie who is graduating from Baylor and then moving to Florida for this awesome job. :(
I went to pick up some movies at Hastings which I haven't done in several months. This is what I got:
Blood Diamond - VERY GOOD!!! Recommend it to everyone.
For Your Consideration - It was ok. Another mockumentary by Christopher Guest and company. It was late when I watched it. It may be better than I think.
The Good Shepard - interesting, a little confusing and very depressing. I don't know if I would recommend it or not.
Sunday I went to church and then watched The Good Shepard and then watched the end of the NASCAR race. Very intense!!! But Jeff Gordon won again!!!! Woot Woot!!