Jason and I rested up a bit and then headed out to Oktoberfest...that's right Oktoberfest in September (who am I to argue when to drink beer?) It was a lot of fun listening to music, eating strudel and bratwurst and drinking wine and beer! Sunday, I probably watched enough football to last me the season...HA!!! and helped with laundry.
Monday I got up early to find my way to the Jim Thorpe building and take a merit test for a state job working for the OK Historical Society. Everything was easy EXCEPT the part on OK History. Pretty sure I screwed that part up. What gets me is that the kinds of questions they asked me were pretty trivial and something I could have looked up on the internet within 10 seconds. Oh well, we'll see what happens. I had a couple of minutes to spare before heading to Ardmore so I roamed around the state capitol right next to where I took the test. It really is a beautiful building. After taking some pics, I headed down the interstate to Ardmore to interview for a job there. It was a pretty good interview. We'll see what happens.
So I got home and just crashed. I was a tired girl. I was tired the next day too and thank goodness Anita suggested going to IHOP rather than swimming! Had enough leftover for lunch too. Double score! I still was pretty tired and then started to feel icky. Later that afternoon I remembered I had a meeting that night and had to be there because I'm an officer. It ran long and I didn't get home until 9:15. So tired and icky!! Jason called and told me about seeing Carlos Mencia and that lifted my spirits. Ok, Wednesday...ouch! I pretty much knew what was wrong with me and I knew that must go see a doctor. Didn't do much at work except go to another meeting and then to the doctor. Yup, he confirmed it...I have a bladder infection or UTI (to sound more professional). He gave me some drugs for the pain and antibiotics for the infection. Now I feel a whole heck of a lot better! I'm not very hungry though and still tired, but that could be due to swimming this morning and doing a little butterfly, backstroke and breaststroke....maybe...I don't know
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