Monday, May 01, 2006

Rain, puddles and queso...

Well another weekend has come and gone and I'm already going through withdrawals. However, I won't miss driving through torrential rain at night while semi's are passing me at 70mph, while my knuckles are white from gripping the steering wheel because I'm hydroplaning all over the place. Not fun! Well, even still, I made it in one piece for another great weekend in Norman, Oklahoma. I also missed what was sure to be a fun soccer game but it was rained out. :-( The good news is I got to sleep in. Whoo hoo! My friend is/was looking to move to a different apartment for various reasons, so we did that instead of the game. He found one that suited him I think.

Here's something I've noticed: No matter what age "men" are, they are still little boys at heart. How can you not be a little boy when you drive through puddles just so you can see the splash! Ha! Very cute... This is also very evident if you have ever seen the Blue Collar Comedy Tour. I had never seen it before and therefore "made" to watch it, so now I know some one liners. "Here's yur sign." I like 2.5 of the guys. Everyone was funny but I think Ron White is sorta sleazy and that's probably what he wants us to think too. Larry the Cable Guy is funny too but I liked Jeff Foxworthy and Bill Engvall the best. So between apartment hunting and grocery shopping we we watched both DVDs. I enjoyed it.

By the way my friend makes great queso. Some people know that I can be a picky eater, but it's mainly for dramatic purposes. He put black olives in his recipe and I ate it with no complaints. Velveeta, salsa, JC Potter's hot sausage (which isn't really all that hot btw), and of course black olives. Yummy.

Back to work all of you who are reading this during office hours (this includes me)! And to all of you who are reading this after hours, have a great evening. That goes for you too, oh procrastinators of productivity! Have a good one!


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