Speaking of Jason...he's my husband now... :D Cool to say!! I'm a wife!!! Yippeee!!! I do feel a little different. Except my ring is being soldered together so I have a temporary one on my finger. :( Hopefully it will be done by this Saturday. Here's what our rings look like:

We are also waiting on our wedding photos and they should be online very soon. We will let you know so you can look!!! Here's a group shot of our wedding party!!! FUN!!!!

We did have a blast and it was a little bit of a blur and not enough time with family and friends!!! But here's how the whole shindig went down:
Tuesday, June 10th:
Mom arrives and we hang out and have pot roast.
Wednesday, June 11th:
Mom and I go crazy shopping. Got some goooood stuff including shoes, capris, dress, sunglasses, purse and shirts...
Jason, Mom and I went to El Tapitios for some good Mexican food. We also rent some movies: Charlie Wilson's War and Juno; both were good.
While watching movies, Mom and I tied little ribbons on the bubbles and made a list of things to do on Thursday before we left for Arlington.
Thursday, June 12th:
Mom and I leave for Arlington after doing all the things on our list. I'm having a little bit of anxiety over the "rehersal" dinner. I wanted to get everyone's order in before we got there so we wouldn't have to wait so long!! People also started to arrive, which was fun. Mandy and the girls got there and we all went swimming. Pat and Alex got there soon after. So much fun!!! Pat got a portable internet device and played with it A LOT!!!! We decided we needed to go to Wal-Mart and so he found one but it actually took us a lot longer than we expected. It turns out there was a Wal-Mart about 5 minutes in the opposite direction that we could have gone to. Oh well...it was an adventure and I got to hang with my brother and Alex!!!!
Friday, June 13th:
Actually didn't do much in the morning....I laid there texting Jason every five minutes asking him to bring stuff :D I didn't mean to forget some clothes and contacts...honest!!! He arrived around noon and Jason and Drew (who arrived Thursday night) went to go pick up my Aunt Paula and Uncle John. Angie and Chris arrived and then Angie, Mom and I went to go get nails done...Mandy came a little later! That was fun but I still had some anxiety about this dinner thing!!! I still needed to come up with some orders. I actually got everyone's order except, get this, JASON's!!!!! I felt really bad!! How could I forget him??? I honestly don't know. But by the time we got to the restuarant and I got to direct the waiters at who had what, everything was fine! It turned out extremely well and so much fun!!! It was great to have so much family there! After the dinner there was a girly get together in my room. We had a blast and laughed a lot!!! I got some really nice things and just had a special special time. THANK YOU, ANGIE!!!!
I didn't have too much trouble getting to sleep, the only thing I regret was not washing my hair that night because my hair was not all that great the next day for up-dos. Oh well, it's over and can't do it again!!
Saturday, June 14th:
The big day!!! Got up and went downstairs to get some breakfast and Jason was there, so I sat with him. My cousins were there too so I got to visit with them for a bit. After breakfast the girls getting their hair done all piled in the car and went to the salon. That was fun (except my crappy hair thing). Then we went straight to the chapel where we stood around and then rehearsed (girls first, then guys), got dressed and got married!!! The reception was fun and beautiful. It went by very fast!! We walked out under bubbles...very fun...and got into a car with several sayings on it... such as GO HOGS and HONK!!!, JUST MARRIED and BRIDE AND GROOM. So much fun!!!!! We dropped off the tuxes and headed for our hotel near Six Flags. Wish we had the Garmin thingy cause we could see our hotel, we just couldn't get to it. We finally did and literally crashed into bed. We were so tired!!! We did get up to Jason's stomach alarm clock...we did plan on going to a German restuarnt in Ft. Worth, called Edelweiss. It was good and had good atmosphere, I just wish Jason was willing to go out on the dance floor and do the chicken dance with me!!! ;) Oh well....we still have the Bahamas...
Sunday, June 15th:
We got up, did breakfast and waited for Pat and Alex cause they were going to go to Six Flags with us! That was very very fun. We lathered up on the 50SPF and I missed a spot but didn't fry too bad. It was freaking HOT!!! That was a lot of fun... Jason and I had reservations for Texas de Brazil in Ft. Worth that night so we got cleaned up and dressed up and ate up, cause it was GOOOOOOD!!!!! Yum!!!!
Monday, June 16th:
We packed up all our stuff and headed home to recoup before Jason had to go back to summer school on Tuesday (he was teaching...). We did open all our presents and that was fun.
Now it's on to married life...and what that will bring...I'm excited about it! However, I have come to realize that having nothing to do at home while your husband is at work is very boring and I've had some depression about it. I'm not sure what to do. I need things to do and NOT housework. I do go swimming so that is good (but not since the sunburn...ouch!). I definitely think I will do some volunteering/working part time next summer. I need to get back into some hobbies that do not require TV or computer, something outside the house...
Anyway...I know this was a long blog, but it was really for me to remember everything so I wouldn't forget!!! I'm super excited about the Bahamas for our real honeymoon!!! You can bet there will be blog about THAT!!!
For those of you who were at the wedding and in the wedding....THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. It was sooo very special that you were there and I couldn't have done it without you! You all looked fabulous!!! Love you!!!

We did have a blast and it was a little bit of a blur and not enough time with family and friends!!! But here's how the whole shindig went down:
Tuesday, June 10th:
Mom arrives and we hang out and have pot roast.
Wednesday, June 11th:
Mom and I go crazy shopping. Got some goooood stuff including shoes, capris, dress, sunglasses, purse and shirts...
Jason, Mom and I went to El Tapitios for some good Mexican food. We also rent some movies: Charlie Wilson's War and Juno; both were good.
While watching movies, Mom and I tied little ribbons on the bubbles and made a list of things to do on Thursday before we left for Arlington.
Thursday, June 12th:
Mom and I leave for Arlington after doing all the things on our list. I'm having a little bit of anxiety over the "rehersal" dinner. I wanted to get everyone's order in before we got there so we wouldn't have to wait so long!! People also started to arrive, which was fun. Mandy and the girls got there and we all went swimming. Pat and Alex got there soon after. So much fun!!! Pat got a portable internet device and played with it A LOT!!!! We decided we needed to go to Wal-Mart and so he found one but it actually took us a lot longer than we expected. It turns out there was a Wal-Mart about 5 minutes in the opposite direction that we could have gone to. Oh well...it was an adventure and I got to hang with my brother and Alex!!!!
Friday, June 13th:
Actually didn't do much in the morning....I laid there texting Jason every five minutes asking him to bring stuff :D I didn't mean to forget some clothes and contacts...honest!!! He arrived around noon and Jason and Drew (who arrived Thursday night) went to go pick up my Aunt Paula and Uncle John. Angie and Chris arrived and then Angie, Mom and I went to go get nails done...Mandy came a little later! That was fun but I still had some anxiety about this dinner thing!!! I still needed to come up with some orders. I actually got everyone's order except, get this, JASON's!!!!! I felt really bad!! How could I forget him??? I honestly don't know. But by the time we got to the restuarant and I got to direct the waiters at who had what, everything was fine! It turned out extremely well and so much fun!!! It was great to have so much family there! After the dinner there was a girly get together in my room. We had a blast and laughed a lot!!! I got some really nice things and just had a special special time. THANK YOU, ANGIE!!!!
I didn't have too much trouble getting to sleep, the only thing I regret was not washing my hair that night because my hair was not all that great the next day for up-dos. Oh well, it's over and can't do it again!!
Saturday, June 14th:
The big day!!! Got up and went downstairs to get some breakfast and Jason was there, so I sat with him. My cousins were there too so I got to visit with them for a bit. After breakfast the girls getting their hair done all piled in the car and went to the salon. That was fun (except my crappy hair thing). Then we went straight to the chapel where we stood around and then rehearsed (girls first, then guys), got dressed and got married!!! The reception was fun and beautiful. It went by very fast!! We walked out under bubbles...very fun...and got into a car with several sayings on it... such as GO HOGS and HONK!!!, JUST MARRIED and BRIDE AND GROOM. So much fun!!!!! We dropped off the tuxes and headed for our hotel near Six Flags. Wish we had the Garmin thingy cause we could see our hotel, we just couldn't get to it. We finally did and literally crashed into bed. We were so tired!!! We did get up to Jason's stomach alarm clock...we did plan on going to a German restuarnt in Ft. Worth, called Edelweiss. It was good and had good atmosphere, I just wish Jason was willing to go out on the dance floor and do the chicken dance with me!!! ;) Oh well....we still have the Bahamas...
Sunday, June 15th:
We got up, did breakfast and waited for Pat and Alex cause they were going to go to Six Flags with us! That was very very fun. We lathered up on the 50SPF and I missed a spot but didn't fry too bad. It was freaking HOT!!! That was a lot of fun... Jason and I had reservations for Texas de Brazil in Ft. Worth that night so we got cleaned up and dressed up and ate up, cause it was GOOOOOOD!!!!! Yum!!!!
Monday, June 16th:
We packed up all our stuff and headed home to recoup before Jason had to go back to summer school on Tuesday (he was teaching...). We did open all our presents and that was fun.
Now it's on to married life...and what that will bring...I'm excited about it! However, I have come to realize that having nothing to do at home while your husband is at work is very boring and I've had some depression about it. I'm not sure what to do. I need things to do and NOT housework. I do go swimming so that is good (but not since the sunburn...ouch!). I definitely think I will do some volunteering/working part time next summer. I need to get back into some hobbies that do not require TV or computer, something outside the house...
Anyway...I know this was a long blog, but it was really for me to remember everything so I wouldn't forget!!! I'm super excited about the Bahamas for our real honeymoon!!! You can bet there will be blog about THAT!!!
For those of you who were at the wedding and in the wedding....THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. It was sooo very special that you were there and I couldn't have done it without you! You all looked fabulous!!! Love you!!!