So what else has been happening....well, SCHOOL'S OUT!!!!!! YAYAAY!!! Don't get me wrong, I loved teaching but, dang, you've got to have a break from all those whiny, impatient kids sometimes. The last week seemed like it draaaaaged along. We made it through, though! All in all the students I taught were very good. There are some I worry about though. That's what happens when you invest in their lives. Sometimes you can't help but say, "I can't wait until they are in the real world because THEN is when their education starts." Some just don't have a clue. But then again...I was probably a little bit like that too. Ok, so school is semi out of the way...there are a couple of things I still have to do such as cheerleading stuff and a week long seminar called Great Expectations to help my interactive component of teaching.
What else...I FINALLY joined the YMCA so I can start swimming again. I miss it and my body misses it too but my body has decided to revolt for a little bit. I went swimming last Thursday and Friday and I think I pulled my neck muscle. I have to admit I did not stretch very well on Thursday and I think that's what did it. So I've been an "invalid" taking ibuprofen and sleeping with a heating pad. It's been pretty's getting better, I hope!!!
Last Friday started Memorial Day weekend for us and we trekked on up to McAlester, OK to have a huge family reunion on Jason's Dad's side. Both his brothers came in from Texas and California and their families too. All in all there were about 31 people at my parents-in-law's house. Fortunately they didn't all spend the night...that would have been interesting!!! We had a lot of fun just sitting outside under the trees in the countryside talking to cousins and aunts and uncles. The bad part was, of course, bugs. Honestly they weren't bad. I didn't really spray the last day and that's when I got most of my chigger bites and one tick which I didn't find until Tuesday!!!!! I'm sure I didn't look very appealing with my hair up because it was hot and humid and the bug bites on my FACE!!!! Ugh!!! They're still there, too. They better disappear soon or I'm gonna get REAL depressed!! Anyway!!! We had great food, played washers with nephews, fished in the pond they have, and ate...did I mention that already? There was also a joint birthday party for Jason's mom and Uncle Ricky who are both turning 60 this year. That was fun. There were a lot of gag gifts I was even embarrassed about!! Anywhooo we had a blast and it was great to see family together.
The next few things on my agenda...and there is an agenda/list is mostly wedding stuff. I like taking a break from school but I need things to do...there just isn't that much on TV that is enticing and I'm starting to feel like a slob. I'm going swimming again this morning so pray that my neck will work itself out!!
LAST BUT NOT LEAST!!!! Pat is in the good ole' US of A!!!! He landed at Ft. Dix early this morning from Kuwait via Hungary and Iceland...praise the Lord and Hallelujah!!! :D
Here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks:
At the Sulphur Prom

T.C. the center of attention.
His shirt says, "Yes, girls. I'm single"
He won't be single for long...he's so cute!!!!

Here's TC and his momma, Ruth!

Watch out TC, you got some competition!!!?!!!

What a loving uncle, ya'll have!!

All the kiddos that were there!

The three brothers and sister!!
Ricky, Brenda, Archie and Don