Monday, December 03, 2007

Irony, Wedding stuff and it's getting cold!!!!

Well, let's see. I had a great time during Thanksgiving. Good food...yum yum. Got to talk with Pat!!! He seems to be doing ok. You know, it's not all that fun or even exciting, what he's doing. Maybe on occasion. He's looking forward to receiving some packages and coming home for R&R and see family AND Beowulf (his Siberian Husky). I don't think he's going to reenlist when his time is up ;)

What else...the irony? I don't know if you read my last blog but it had to do with death and how desensitized to or how we move on from it. I found out the Monday we got back to school that one of our senior students was killed that Sunday afternoon in a car crash. Talk about a wonderful way to start the week. Needless to say the week was not all that productive. I only had Justin in class for a couple of weeks before he requested 7th hour to work instead. But I have Justin's girlfriend in two classes and juniors who were majorly effected. I went to the funeral on Thursday. It wasn't pleasant. I really didn't know what to do when I heard the news. I felt like crying but I really didn't know him personally but I had a few interactions with him just because the school is so small. He told me one time he wished he could have stayed in my class (Ancient History) and whenever I saw him he was always bright and cheerful. There isn't really any profound thing to say after a kid/student/child dies like that, you just can't. Just cherish the time you have with your friends and loved ones. You never know when it will be your last or someone else you love. This isn't the thing you wish on students to learn how fragile life is, but I sure hope our students realize it.

The other bad thing that happened last week was that I got sick and I mean 100 degree fever sick. It started about noon on Monday with major headache, aches, hurting throat... Well the next morning I woke up and there was no way I was going to school, which stinks because then you have to take care of your lesson plans for that day and call the school for a substitute and then pray that your kids behave. Well of course some didn't...(another story). Anyway, I was fortunate to get into the doctor's office early and get a shot in the behind to help speed up the getting healthy process. Dang, it hurt. I'm still taking the huge pink pills. It really helped though. I was feeling much better that evening. Jason was so sweet and helpful. He even said he would stay home with me. Awwwww! He called and checked on me after work and asked if I needed anything. :D I'm so lucky!

That's about it except I ordered my wedding dress on Saturday!!! After I paid the bill, it hit me that it was done!!! I got so excited!!! Ruth, Jason's sister, went with me and that was fun...a lot better than going alone! We went down to Denton and had some lunch, Pei Wei, as a matter of fact and it was SOOOOO GOOOOOD!!!!! (We don't have wonderful Asian food here in Ardmore.) Anyway! It was a good day.

It's finally getting cold!!!!! No sweating but now Jason hears, "I'm freezing!" "I need my jacket!" "Where are my slippers?" etc... while he is just in heaven. He's a cold kinda guy. Weather that is. I like it too because I like to be wrapped up in blankets... Anyway, I'm looking forward to that first snowflake!!! Come on winter, bring it on!!!!

Peace to you and yours and be nice in the stores!!!
