Monday, June 26, 2006
Another week down and 2.5 weeks to gooooo.....
I did not have the pleasure of company this weekend, but Jason moved to new digs and got it done with the help of his sister and her boyfriend. For consolation on not being able to see Jason, I watched the end of the NASCAR race and Jason's favorite driver won...Jeff Gordon!
Saturday I went up to Dallas to visit a friend who was in town for a wedding. In fact, I'm going to see his sister and parents in Hong Kong. We went out for real Chinese food and then to the Dallas Museum of Art. There was a wicked storm that only lasted a few minutes around 5pm...lots of lightening. Then we went over to the bride and groom's house for a post wedding BBQ. Good grilling by the As you might imagine, there were a lot of Chinese there. A lot of Cantonese spoken, while the white girl is sitting quietly watching, of all things, the broadcast of who's going to be on Big Brother...good grief. Once I was introduced to Roger's friend Douglas...things picked up. He told me lots of funny stories about Roger...kept me in stitches the whole time. Douglas is the brother of the bride (Dominque, btw). Not much else happened this weekend.
I seem to be random on the days here but Friday I left work around 2:30 and went straight home for a tired from working on the wagons. Don't remember what I did after that...
Sunday I went to church and then swam with my swim bud...I'm up to 2300 yards! Yay! Afterwards, started some laundry then took a nap, watched NASCAR, read a book, went to church and went to the China meeting...the rest you know.
Random thoughts: I never thought I'd watch NASCAR voluntarily (or understand it for that matter).
Dale Chihuly rawks... (glass artist whose work is at the Dallas Museum of Art) check him out...
Have an excellent week, people!
Until next time
Monday, June 19, 2006
Hmmmmm....just thinking about the weekend. Jason came down and we had a good time. His Dad's birthday was Friday, so he spent it with him, as well he should have. Kudos for him...then J came down on Saturday afternoon and we got duded up to have a nice dinner. I didn't get a compliment about what I was wearing right off the bat, so later on that evening I went fishing for one. He said, "You look great no matter what you wear." Ok, that was a very good compliment, however, not exactly what I was looking for. Guys need to know that women need to be affirmed every now and again, especially when they get dressed up!!!! (and be specific, I like your shoes, that color looks good on you...) Anyhooo, that was Saturday night.
Sunday we went to church and met some of my friends and ate lunch with them too. Afterwards J & I went to do a little shopping at JC Penny's who is having a great sale by the way. J needed some dress shirts and belts for work and I was just browsing when lo & behold, luggage was on sale!!! WHHOOO HOOOOO!!!! I need some new luggage for China and have been looking for some. Boy was there a deal (and I'm leaving in a few minutes to go pick it up!!). Anybody who knows me, knows I love things with lots of pockets. This luggage was made for me and it's a six piece set! Awesome! Yes, I'm a dork and a little neurotic that way, but hey, that's me. If I was any character on Friends, I'd have to be Monica...but I'm not that least I hope I'm not!!!! I'm sure someone would let me know if I was....
Later that day we watched a little NASCAR but it got rained out. Took a nap and then got supper. We watched So I Married An Axe Murderer, which is a hilarious movie with Mike Myers. If you haven't seen it...GO RENT IT!!! or borrow it from me.
I decided not to go to work today until 11 so we could sleep in a little. We got up, got breakfast and then I dragged Jason to meet my other friends from work. Then he left town . Our schedules are so hectic that I'm not sure when I'll get to see him again.
So I'm sitting hear listening to romantic songs thinking of my sweetie and the great time we had together this weekend wondering when we'll get to do it again...Long distance relationships suck by the way...but when you've found the make it work, gosh darnit!!!!!! It's hard, but it's toally worth it!
Well I must boogie...I got to go get some luggage!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Promised Pictures
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Trying To Be PATIENT!!!!!
My frustration for today? I'm trying to patiently wait for a job opening up in Norman so I can apply and move up there. I feel like I'm an airplane in a holding pattern who can't land at her final destination. I haven't run out of fuel yet, but I can see that happening if I don't rely on God and friends to lift me up. Funny though, there are airplanes that can refuel in the air. So right now I'm cruising at an altitude of about 30,000 feet waiting for mission control to say I can land. So please pray for patience and strength to endure the flight.
What else has been going on? Of course my Mom's surgery. I haven't posted anything since the surgery, but it went really really well and she should be on her way to the airport to fly home right about now (8:30 am). The doctors took out two of the four drains yesterday and I'm sure that is a relief for Mom. She has to wear a little belt to hold the drains and they look like gernades, so I call it her ammo belt. Ha! Since I left on Sunday, Aunt Paula has taken over and run/walked Mom all over the French Quarter. Good! The more Mom walks, the faster she heals!
What else? I'm trying to get back into the routine of things here in Waco and at the museum. So far so good. I actually unpacked my suitcase and did laundry a day after I got back. (That's unheard of at the Jessica household. It usually takes about a week for me to unpack and another week to do laundry.) I guess I'm ready for some stability in my life and for things to get back to "normal" whatever that may be.
Not much else but painting wagons at work:

Yesterday it got up to 100 degrees and where we are painting there is no AC and not really any good ventilation. That's why my face is red.
That's about it for now. Back to the wagons!!!